Latest/earliest/successive entry cataloging for serials
Alice F. Permenter 06 Nov 1990 23:29 UTC
I favor latest entry cataloging for serials. Not because I think it's a
better way to catalog serials, but because that's the national standard
right now.
Unless your organization has unlimited funds/staff you cannot affore to
make a decision that my leave you in some backwater while the rest of
the library world maves forward in a new/innovative direction. With
more and more of the serials process becoming automated, the need for
standardization of bib records and holdings records becomes more
pronounced. If you're non-standard in the future, you may find that you
can't take advantage of new developments without costly programming.
Alice F. Permenter
Head, Online Catalog Management
Loyola University of Chicago
(312) 508-2656 $L$LB48@LUCCPUA