The following was sent to SERIALST, but got stuck in my delivery error notices
mailbox. I don't think it was distributed to SERIALST subscribers until now.
Subject: Latest entry cataloging?
We basically follow successive entry cataloging rules. On rare occasions,
such as when working on recon for a serial with many title changes, we
might use a latest entry record if that eliminates the need for creating
several original cataloging records.
I believe that Northwestern's proposals relate to "earliest entry" cataloging
rather than latest entry cataloging.
From my perspective, it is better for the user to continue successive entry
cataloging practice rather than latest or earliest entry. I also really think
that the title on the cover should be the title used for cataloging without
exception since that is what users and staff see when handling the issues.
I really think we have done our users a disservice, trying to save ourselves
a little time, by setting guidelines to "avoid" title changes if the old title
still appears somewhere on the piece more often than the cover title.
But that is another point of discussion.
Linda Visk
Serials Control