analyzed serials Elena Romaniuk 02 Nov 1990 17:43 UTC

At the University of Victoria, we have started cataloguing monographs on
 but we do not yet have our databases of monographs and serials loaded. We are
waiting for the load of the serials database before we start adding new
titles. We have a number of serials which are currently analyzed, i.e. some or
all issues are catalogued also as monographs. Some of these individual volumes
have now been catalogued. For those analyzed serials which have had some
issues done, our monograph cataloguers have set up series authority records.
Once we have our serials database loaded, and can indicate in the
bibliographic record that the title is analyzed and should be traced
accordingly, is there any point in keeping authority  records for these as
I would very much appreciate some thoughts on this.
Elena Romaniuk
Serials Librarian
University of Victoria

University of Victoria