Re: NUGM MFHL Preconference JUDITH HOPKINS AT SUNY BUFFALO 30 Oct 1990 16:33 UTC

Kathy Schmidt asked for a summary of what happened at the NUGM MFHL Preconferenc
and what we need to know about MFHL that is NOTIS specific.

I did not attend the Preconference but Susan Davis Bartl, Head of the
Periodicals Section in the Central Technical Services Acquisitions Dept.
did attend and she provided me with the following notes.

1) You will need to convert to MFHL before implementing version 5.1 (the
new serials module); NOTIS will not support VHLD once 5.1 is released.

2) 5.0 does not support DISPLAY from the "paired fields" (853/863, etc.)
although you are free to code them.  Display will come from either the 866
or 899 fields.  NOTIS has created an 899 free text field  [which is NOT part
of the USMARC structure].  899s will be first priority for display, i.e., if
you have both 866s and 899s for the same title the 899 will display in the OPAC.
3) When you convert, there are two options.  Option  A puts VHLD into 899s;
option B into 866s.  See the August 1989 issue of NOTISES for more details.

4) The presence of a MARC holdings record will appear explicitly (system
supplied) on the Copy Holdings screen.

5) The presentors advised "DON'T PANIC."  Michele Dalehite and Elaine Henjum
at the Florida Center for Library Automation are the MFHL experts.  Cindy
Wichman and Dale Hood are the knowledgeable NOTIS folks.  They should be
able to help you if you have more specific questions.

    End of report.