(no subject) Joyce Gartrell 25 Oct 1990 19:27 UTC

> In reply to your query of 22 Oct. 90 regarding electronic journals etc. The
> versity of Florida has been adding journals accompanied by disks, much the
>  way that you described, by adding a 525 note : "Some issues accompanied by
> puter diskettes." We do add a note to the holdings display to inform the
>  as well as ourselves as to which vols. had accompanying disks. Some of our
> nch libraries are allowing disks to circulate. The main library has micros and
> requires in-house use at this time.
> We are also cataloging some electronic journals (see Latin American Debt
> cle OCLC 19299004). This is an electronic journal that allows the institution
> o make print-outs and store them. However, we do subscribe to some serials
>  do not allow copies to be made. We have not yet reached a decision on these
> t, so we have cataloged the documentation and supplied a note to the users
>  the database is available, consult reference staff. I hope that we will soon
> ave a task force formed for this issue.
>    I would like to "subscribe" to the forum. How do I do this? Colleen

I don't know from whence the question about electronic journals came,
nor from whence came your response.  I just joined the Serials
Discussion List yesterday, and today your message appeared.  I had
assumed it came via that list, and that thus you were subscribed to it,
but apparently not.  We subscribed by simply logging in to e-mail and
in the spot where you send To:  You write  listserv@uvmvm. bitnet.
Then in the message area you write:   subscribe serialst Colleen
Thorburn  .  It worked for us.  Good luck.  --Joyce Gartrell, Head,
Serials Cataloging, Columbia University libraries.