Re: Renewals Colleen 01 May 2015 11:09 UTC

Again - my mistake. Harrassowitz wants them by September 1, not July 1!


> On Apr 30, 2015, at 20:31, SERIALST automatic digest system <LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG> wrote:
> There are 7 messages totaling 2553 lines in this issue.
> Topics in this special issue:
>  1. Renewals
>  2. Metapress (6)
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> Date:    Thu, 30 Apr 2015 19:22:32 +0000
> From:    "Skwor, Jeanette" <skworj@UWGB.EDU>
> Subject: Re: Renewals
> This touches on a point that perhaps should be made to those of us newer in the field, and that is the difference between cancellations and non-renewals.  I never cancel a subscription. And never would, unless - and this is a big unless - we were absolutely not going to retain the issues, and I was given a refund of the unused portion of our
> monies.
> Cancellations stop your subscriptions.  Now.
> Non-renewals stop them at the end of your current subscription period, and you should get all the issues/content you’ve paid for.
> Sincerely,
> Jeanette Skwor
> Cofrin Library, Serials Dept.
> (920) 465-2670
> From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of Gillespie, E. Gaele
> Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 5:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Renewals
> I think Colleen is saying Harrassowitz wants their cancellation decisions by July, not the entire renewal – but then, I suppose it’s rather like splitting hairs, as cancellations are the non-renewals portion of the renewal list.  In any case, Harrassowitz usually wants to have our renewals by Sept 1st (although if we can do them earlier, that’s always welcome), as they want to pay publishers / providers in sufficient time prior to the upcoming calendar year expires / renewals as well as the non-calendar year renewals.  Harrassowitz doesn’t just say they would like to pay the publishers on time, they really DO pay the publishers on time – and when those payments to publishers / providers are made in a timely manner, that cuts down significantly on renewal-related problems (delayed receipts, loss of access, etc) on our end.  Vendors appreciate our building in sufficient lead time as much as we appreciate them doing the same for us.  Negotiating these things with your subscription agents / vendors is a two-way street, and I’ve found that most major vendors will work with us to define such service expectations or parameters, as they realize different libraries can have different fiscal year periods and different budget cycles, as well as very particular local needs. Treat all these things as negotiations and create mutually-acceptable service arrangements that meet your needs and that won’t tie either you or your vendor(s) in knots.  Define your service arrangements sufficient to your needs and expectations, but build in enough flexibility so that you have maneuvering space should some unforeseen budgetary crisis or other situation occur in the late summer / fall just as you are trying to ‘finalize’ your cancellations / renewals with your vendor(s).   – Gaele Gillespie
> ---------------------
> E. Gaele Gillespie
> Serials Librarian
> Acquisitions Dept.
> University of Kansas Libraries
> Watson Library
> 1425 Jayhawk Blvd Rm 210 S
> Lawrence, KS  66045-7544
> Ph: 785-864-3051
> Fax: 785-864-3855 (to my attention)
> Email:<>
> From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of Melissa Belvadi
> Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 2:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Renewals
> EBSCO also "wants" our renewals in July, but that's just flat out impossible given the budget cycle we have.  They aren't really happy to get our renewal at the end of September, but they haven't dropped us as a customer yet over it, nor does it affect our price.
> Don't let your serials jobber bully you into a timeline that doesn't work for you.
> Melissa
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 3:31 PM, Colleen A McGhee-French <<>> wrote:
> I'm new at this too, but have a few observations:
> - We have a subscription agency (Harrassowitz) that wants to know of any cancellations by July 1, so that's one deadline
> - We have language in our policy that says we need to post the list of proposed titles for a certain length of time so that faculty members have a chance to look at it, and not all our faculty are around after commencement, so that's another factor in our timeline.
> - Usage reports can be deceiving! There are some expensive titles, like Chemical & Engineering News, that looked like they had zero use over the last several years. But C&EN is on a different platform from the other ACS titles, and they don't do COUNTER-compliant usage reports, so I had to ask them specifically for usage and put that in a COUNTER-compliant template to upload for usage stats analysis.
> And don't get me started about SUSHI.
> Colleen
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 1:55 PM, SERIALST automatic digest system <<>> wrote:
> There are 2 messages totaling 2526 lines in this issue.
> Topics in this special issue:
>  1. Renewals (2)
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> Date:    Wed, 29 Apr 2015 17:21:59 +0000
> From:    "Cabot, Amanda" <acabot@RIVIER.EDU<mailto:acabot@RIVIER.EDU>>
> Subject: Re: Renewals
> This is very helpful. I processed my first Renewal this year, and there was a lot to learn. I wanted to add that we always make sure to check each of our cancelled e-journal titles for perpetual access. This information is available in EBSCOnet. We keep perpetual access titles in our catalog and in our Electronic Resource Manager in order to track access.
> amanda
> Amanda Cabot
> Acquisitions Librarian
> Rivier University
> Regina Library
> Nashua, NH 03060
> 603-897-8535<tel:603-897-8535>
> From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG<mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG>] On Behalf Of Emily Miller
> Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 1:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Renewals
> Thank you to everyone for taking the time to share your knowledge and experiences!
> I've made a draft of a timeline, which I thought I'd share with the list in case anyone else would find it useful.  If anyone would like the actual Word Document (which looks a bit nicer!), please let me know.  I want our staff to be aware of the expectations of the renewal process and ensure that we meet our deadlines.
> Thanks again!
> Emily
> Serials Renewal Process Timeline
> March
> *          Request Usage Data from ILS System Specialist
> *          Circulation & in-house usage
> *          with May 1st deadline
> May
> *          Create Renewal Spreadsheets for Libraries
> *          Analyze Usage Data  & Compile with Subscription Information
> June
> *          Send Renewal Spreadsheets to Libraries
> *          Assign deadline (give 1 month for review)
> *          Renewal Lists are now available for changes on EBSCOnet
> July
> *          Renewal Spreadsheets due back from Libraries
> *          Review and compile orders
> *          Verify subscription minimums
> *          Verify that Libraries are within budget
> *           Identify & review titles with significant price increases
> *          Verify that selections reflect the collection philosophy
> August
> *          Authorize & Submit Renewals, Changes, Cancellations & New Orders to EBSCO
> *          Order MUST be submitted by end of August
> *          Begin Annual Extrapolation in Sierra
> *          Begin entering new subscription information in Sierra
> November
> *          Invoice is sent from EBSCO
> *          Proof Invoice, verifying accuracy of charges & quantities
> *          Prepare Invoices for Payment & hold for Next Fiscal Year Payment
> *          Send Libraries Updated Subscription List
> January
> *          New Subscription Cycle Begins!
> *          After Fiscal Close, give Invoices to Receiving for payment in Sierra
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Wed, 29 Apr 2015 17:54:35 +0000
> From:    Diane Raines <draines@WESTMINSTERCOLLEGE.EDU<mailto:draines@WESTMINSTERCOLLEGE.EDU>>
> Subject: Re: Renewals
> Reviewing Emily's timeline reminded me of something relating to electronic renewals that happened at my library and is worth mentioning as a cautionary tale.
> Early last October we were seriously looking at usage stats and thought that we should cancel a lesser used direct title (Cell). Not being as aware as I should have been of the cancel date in our license agreement I realized that we should have let them know of our non-renewal by a date in August. Although I asked for an exception, it was denied.
> Bottom line: A timeline is important (earlier rather than later) and make sure you are aware of cancel dates that might be "hidden" in license agreements that you haven't looked at for a while. (Obviously libraries using an ERM would likely have this data included in their database, but smaller libraries not yet using ERM should be aware).
> Sadder but wiser,
> -Diane
> M. Diane Raines
> Technical Services / Serials Librarian
> Westminster College Giovale Library
> 1840 S 1300 E
> Salt Lake City, UT 84105
> 801-832-2260<tel:801-832-2260>
> From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG<mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG>] On Behalf Of Emily Miller
> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 1:50 PM
> Subject: [SERIALST] Renewals
> Greetings All,
> I am gearing up for my first Renewal Process with our subscription management vendor.  Does anyone have a Serials Renewal Process Timeline/Schedule/Checklist, including all the tasks that need to be performed, that they would be willing to share?
> Many thanks in advance!
> Emily
> emily dara miller
> acquisitions/collection development librarian
> collection services
> Jefferson County Public Library
> 10500 W. 38th Avenue
> Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
> p 303.403.5217<tel:303.403.5217>
> ________________________________
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> --
> Melissa Belvadi
> Collections Librarian
> University of Prince Edward Island
><> 902-566-0581
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> Date:    Thu, 30 Apr 2015 16:54:00 -0400
> From:    "B.E. Swetman" <bswetman@HAMILTON.EDU>
> Subject: Metapress
> [Message contains invalid MIME fields or encoding and could not be processed]
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Thu, 30 Apr 2015 22:44:28 +0000
> From:    "Janet R. Woods" <JWoods@UWYO.EDU>
> Subject: Re: Metapress
> We have received two notices, I don't remember the exact titles because I pass them to someone else to verify the access.  I can probably track them down if you are interested in the specifics.
> Janet R. Woods
> Supervisor of Library Services
> University of Wyoming Libraries
> Technical Services Dept.
> Coe Library
> 307-766-6793
> From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of B.E. Swetman
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 2:54 PM
> Subject: [SERIALST] Metapress
> I have just checked a couple of MetaPress titles and find the links now refer to new platforms.
> We have access, but I have received nothing from the publishers with any information at all as to new URLs, administrative log-in information, or the like.
> Has anyone else received anything?
> Barbara Swetman                                      <>
> Acquisitions and Serials Librarian                        voice (315)859-4470
> Library and Information Technology Services    fax (315)859-4578
> Hamilton College
> 198 College Hill Rd.
> Clinton, NY 13323
> On 1/13/2015 4:40 PM, Skwor, Jeanette wrote:
> I received this message from Dawn Ingram at Metapress today:
> The Metapress business has indeed been purchased by Atypon and all Metapress hosted sites are being phased out as we transition all of our publishers to new hosting platforms.  Announcements were made about this in April 2014, and we expect to have completed the transfer of all publishers to new hosts by the end of April 2015.
> Please note that each publisher has a choice regarding their new platform.  While a number of them have chosen to transition to Atypon's Literatum platform, others have chosen other services such as Allen Press' Pinnacle platform.
> The Metapress support staff is working hard to assist all of our publishers during this transition to try to make this as seamless as possible for all parties concerned.  All access that Metapress has in our database is being transferred to the new host for each publisher, along with information about the institution including IPs and administrators. Redirects from the existing Metapress site to the new location are being implemented, so that as soon as a publisher transitions to their new host, any links coming into their Metapress platform will automatically redirect to the new location. The administrator listed on the account should be notified by the new host in order to activate their own account on the new platform as we are not transferring any password information.  However, the library patrons will hopefully be unaffected as they will be redirected to the new host and recognized via IP and allowed access.
> Usage data is not being transferred to the new host for any of our publishers, but the COUNTER reports will remain available from the<> site for approximately 6 months.  Data for the previous month is usually posted by the 20th of the following month.
> Jeanette L. Skwor
> Serials Dept., Cofrin Library
> University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
> 2420 Nicolet Drive
> Green Bay, WI 54311-7003
> "Serials control is like trying to nail Jell-o to the wall."
>                                                      --Anonymous
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> Date:    Thu, 30 Apr 2015 23:38:21 +0000
> From:    "Rais, Shirley (LLU)" <srais@LLU.EDU>
> Subject: Re: Metapress
> Journals hosted on Metapress have been moving to several different platforms over the last few months.     This last week we have had 3 of our titles move to Allen Press and we've received notifications about those.   Another title this week, Work, published by IOS Press moved but they are hosting it themselves.  Previously we had some move and I didn't catch them until I started manually checking all of our subscribed titles  hosted on Metapress.     It's just going to vary by publisher.
> Currently we still have one still working on Metapress which I haven't heard from and 1 that I can't figure out what it is doing :).  I really liked the customer support on Metapress so I am going to miss them, but I'm also glad I didn't have a ton of titles there that I have to deal with changing platforms.
> Shirley Rais, MLS  -  Chair, Serials & Electronic Resources Dept.
> Library Liaison to the School of Public Health
> LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY | University Libraries
> 11072 Anderson Street, Loma Linda, California 92350
> office (909) 558-4583 *  fax (909) 558-4919 *<>
> From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of B.E. Swetman
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 1:54 PM
> Subject: [SERIALST] Metapress
> I have just checked a couple of MetaPress titles and find the links now refer to new platforms.
> We have access, but I have received nothing from the publishers with any information at all as to new URLs, administrative log-in information, or the like.
> Has anyone else received anything?
> Barbara Swetman                                      <>
> Acquisitions and Serials Librarian                        voice (315)859-4470
> Library and Information Technology Services    fax (315)859-4578
> Hamilton College
> 198 College Hill Rd.
> Clinton, NY 13323
> On 1/13/2015 4:40 PM, Skwor, Jeanette wrote:
> I received this message from Dawn Ingram at Metapress today:
> The Metapress business has indeed been purchased by Atypon and all Metapress hosted sites are being phased out as we transition all of our publishers to new hosting platforms.  Announcements were made about this in April 2014, and we expect to have completed the transfer of all publishers to new hosts by the end of April 2015.
> Please note that each publisher has a choice regarding their new platform.  While a number of them have chosen to transition to Atypon's Literatum platform, others have chosen other services such as Allen Press' Pinnacle platform.
> The Metapress support staff is working hard to assist all of our publishers during this transition to try to make this as seamless as possible for all parties concerned.  All access that Metapress has in our database is being transferred to the new host for each publisher, along with information about the institution including IPs and administrators. Redirects from the existing Metapress site to the new location are being implemented, so that as soon as a publisher transitions to their new host, any links coming into their Metapress platform will automatically redirect to the new location. The administrator listed on the account should be notified by the new host in order to activate their own account on the new platform as we are not transferring any password information.  However, the library patrons will hopefully be unaffected as they will be redirected to the new host and recognized via IP and allowed access.
> Usage data is not being transferred to the new host for any of our publishers, but the COUNTER reports will remain available from the<> site for approximately 6 months.  Data for the previous month is usually posted by the 20th of the following month.
> Jeanette L. Skwor
> Serials Dept., Cofrin Library
> University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
> 2420 Nicolet Drive
> Green Bay, WI 54311-7003
> "Serials control is like trying to nail Jell-o to the wall."
>                                                      --Anonymous
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> ------------------------------
> Date:    Thu, 30 Apr 2015 23:13:11 +0000
> From:    Roen Janyk <RJanyk@OKANAGAN.BC.CA>
> Subject: Re: Metapress
> I received a notice from Allen Press yesterday notifying us that the journal Families in Society has moved to their Pinnacle platform, and that I would need to reset the admin password. Nothing from Metapress though.
> Roën
> Roën Janyk, MLIS
> Web Services Librarian
> Library Department Chair
> Okanagan College
> Kelowna, BC
> (250) 762-5445 x.4660 | L101A
> From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of B.E. Swetman
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 1:54 PM
> Subject: [SERIALST] Metapress
> I have just checked a couple of MetaPress titles and find the links now refer to new platforms.
> We have access, but I have received nothing from the publishers with any information at all as to new URLs, administrative log-in information, or the like.
> Has anyone else received anything?
> Barbara Swetman                                      <>
> Acquisitions and Serials Librarian                        voice (315)859-4470
> Library and Information Technology Services    fax (315)859-4578
> Hamilton College
> 198 College Hill Rd.
> Clinton, NY 13323
> On 1/13/2015 4:40 PM, Skwor, Jeanette wrote:
> I received this message from Dawn Ingram at Metapress today:
> The Metapress business has indeed been purchased by Atypon and all Metapress hosted sites are being phased out as we transition all of our publishers to new hosting platforms.  Announcements were made about this in April 2014, and we expect to have completed the transfer of all publishers to new hosts by the end of April 2015.
> Please note that each publisher has a choice regarding their new platform.  While a number of them have chosen to transition to Atypon's Literatum platform, others have chosen other services such as Allen Press' Pinnacle platform.
> The Metapress support staff is working hard to assist all of our publishers during this transition to try to make this as seamless as possible for all parties concerned.  All access that Metapress has in our database is being transferred to the new host for each publisher, along with information about the institution including IPs and administrators. Redirects from the existing Metapress site to the new location are being implemented, so that as soon as a publisher transitions to their new host, any links coming into their Metapress platform will automatically redirect to the new location. The administrator listed on the account should be notified by the new host in order to activate their own account on the new platform as we are not transferring any password information.  However, the library patrons will hopefully be unaffected as they will be redirected to the new host and recognized via IP and allowed access.
> Usage data is not being transferred to the new host for any of our publishers, but the COUNTER reports will remain available from the<> site for approximately 6 months.  Data for the previous month is usually posted by the 20th of the following month.
> Jeanette L. Skwor
> Serials Dept., Cofrin Library
> University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
> 2420 Nicolet Drive
> Green Bay, WI 54311-7003
> "Serials control is like trying to nail Jell-o to the wall."
>                                                      --Anonymous
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> ------------------------------
> Date:    Thu, 30 Apr 2015 16:17:15 -0700
> From:    "Whitt, Jeremy" <Jeremy.Whitt@PEPPERDINE.EDU>
> Subject: Re: Metapress
> In our case, the new hosting platform emailed us. We received a few separate notices (with new URLs) from Allen Press regarding titles that have moved from Metapress to Pinnacle. For information regarding the Pinnacle platform, you might want to contact<>.
> Best,
> Jeremy
> Jeremy Whitt
> Scholarly Resources Librarian
> Pepperdine University Libraries
> Phone: 310.506.4256 | Fax: 310.506.4117
> From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of Janet R. Woods
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 3:44 PM
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Metapress
> We have received two notices, I don't remember the exact titles because I pass them to someone else to verify the access.  I can probably track them down if you are interested in the specifics.
> Janet R. Woods
> Supervisor of Library Services
> University of Wyoming Libraries
> Technical Services Dept.
> Coe Library
> 307-766-6793
> From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of B.E. Swetman
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 2:54 PM
> Subject: [SERIALST] Metapress
> I have just checked a couple of MetaPress titles and find the links now refer to new platforms.
> We have access, but I have received nothing from the publishers with any information at all as to new URLs, administrative log-in information, or the like.
> Has anyone else received anything?
> Barbara Swetman                                      <>
> Acquisitions and Serials Librarian                        voice (315)859-4470
> Library and Information Technology Services    fax (315)859-4578
> Hamilton College
> 198 College Hill Rd.
> Clinton, NY 13323
> On 1/13/2015 4:40 PM, Skwor, Jeanette wrote:
> I received this message from Dawn Ingram at Metapress today:
> The Metapress business has indeed been purchased by Atypon and all Metapress hosted sites are being phased out as we transition all of our publishers to new hosting platforms.  Announcements were made about this in April 2014, and we expect to have completed the transfer of all publishers to new hosts by the end of April 2015.
> Please note that each publisher has a choice regarding their new platform.  While a number of them have chosen to transition to Atypon's Literatum platform, others have chosen other services such as Allen Press' Pinnacle platform.
> The Metapress support staff is working hard to assist all of our publishers during this transition to try to make this as seamless as possible for all parties concerned.  All access that Metapress has in our database is being transferred to the new host for each publisher, along with information about the institution including IPs and administrators. Redirects from the existing Metapress site to the new location are being implemented, so that as soon as a publisher transitions to their new host, any links coming into their Metapress platform will automatically redirect to the new location. The administrator listed on the account should be notified by the new host in order to activate their own account on the new platform as we are not transferring any password information.  However, the library patrons will hopefully be unaffected as they will be redirected to the new host and recognized via IP and allowed access.
> Usage data is not being transferred to the new host for any of our publishers, but the COUNTER reports will remain available from the<> site for approximately 6 months.  Data for the previous month is usually posted by the 20th of the following month.
> Jeanette L. Skwor
> Serials Dept., Cofrin Library
> University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
> 2420 Nicolet Drive
> Green Bay, WI 54311-7003
> "Serials control is like trying to nail Jell-o to the wall."
>                                                      --Anonymous
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> Date:    Fri, 1 May 2015 00:11:30 +0000
> From:    "Yorba, Gregory" <gyorba@EXCHANGE.FULLERTON.EDU>
> Subject: Metapress
> It has been difficult finding out about where some of the Metapress titles have transferred.  I know that Taylor and Francis publishes some of the former Metapress titles.   You could check against their 2015 title list under their acquired titles tab in the spreadsheet.  Also Aztlan is now in IngentaConnect.  Also 3 other UCLA published journals are on the Allen Press platform - Amerasia Journal, American Indian Culture and Research, and AAPI Nexis (<>).
> Baywood titles moving to Sage -
> Greg Yorba
> CSU Fullerton, Pollak Library
> Library Serials
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> End of SERIALST Digest - 30 Apr 2015 - Special issue (#2015-94)
> ***************************************************************


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