Times index, monthly and annual
Kathi Jakubowski 17 Dec 2013 15:43 UTC
I'm really confused about the Times index. We were notified by our
vendor that the monthly index ceased after July 31, 2013. I went to
update our records, and got even more confused. We currently have 2
separate records in our catalog, one for the monthly index, and one for
the annual cumulative index. The monthly index is on OCLC number
2897414, which is now ceased with 2013. Our annual index was on OCLC
number 13614336. However, this OCLC number is now merged onto the
monthly index record, OCLC number 2897414. I can't find any current
separate record for the annual, or any link to the annual from the
monthly record. I even tried searching the 2012 annual index by ISBN
number, and got nothing in OCLC.
Any suggestions??? Am I missing something? Does anyone know if the
annual cumulative index will still be published?
Thank you.
Kathi Jakubowski
Kathi L. Jakubowski
E-Resources/Serials Coordinator
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries
2311 E. Hartford Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53211
e-mail: kathij@uwm.edu
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