Create a list in III Millennium from external file? Chris Blackman (17 Oct 2013 14:18 UTC)
Re: Create a list in III Millennium from external file? Jessica Harris (17 Oct 2013 20:55 UTC)
Re: Create a list in III Millennium from external file? Chris Blackman (18 Oct 2013 18:11 UTC)

Create a list in III Millennium from external file? Chris Blackman 17 Oct 2013 14:18 UTC

Please excuse duplication.

Does anyone know of a way to create a Millennium list by inputting
external data (i.e. not searching in Millennium to create the file)?  I
have an Excel file of specific fields (including the bib. number and
control number) from electronic resource records that need rapid and
global updates, but I don't know how to get the records into a
Millennium list.  I couldn't just create the list in Millennium because
I had to compare it against external data. I understand that this is
possible using a list of barcodes but since these are electronic
resource records, I have none.

Please reply off-list and I will consolidate answers. Any help is much


Christine W. Blackman
Catalog Librarian
Williams College Libraries
Williamstown, MA

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