Share your views on content discovery
Oosman, Aalia 02 Oct 2013 08:28 UTC
Taylor & Francis conducted primary research throughout 2013 to produce a comprehensive white paper entitled, Facilitating Access to Free Online Content: Challenges and Opportunities for the Library Community. We have noticed some key industry trends as a result of this research and would like to conduct additional supplementary research to explore these themes further via a follow up survey:
Primary research within the white paper revealed that 71 percent of librarians surveyed struggle with the unknown permanence of free content. Taylor & Francis initially asked survey recipients, "Has your library implemented, or is planning to implement, any of the following discoverability services?"
Our research revealed the following:
42% of survey respondents are planning to improve their end-user interfaces for their library website (48% have already implemented)
35% plan to improve their cataloging systems (38% have already implemented)
32% of survey respondents plan to conduct user research to understand their users' needs and/or requirements (40% have already undertaken this)
To explore these responses further, we hope you will be able to spare several minutes to complete some follow-up survey questions :
The results of the survey will be compiled into a presentation in which Taylor & Francis and George Washington University Libraries will co-present at the 33rd Annual Charleston conference, on November 9, 2013. The presentation will be uploaded online and we will also add the results of this survey online and send out an announcement once the results become available.
Best wishes and many thanks
Elyse Profera
Associate Library Marketing Manager
Taylor & Francis Group, 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106
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