$i is required in linking entry fields?
Kay Teel 22 May 2013 19:45 UTC
In the newly released PCC guidelines for relationship designators
Guideline 14 says: "If a cataloger wishes to indicate a known
relationship to a known resource, and the $i relationship information
subfield is defined for the MARC 7XX field being used, provide a
relationship designator. Do so even if the field coding otherwise
already expresses a relationship."
This sounds like it is now required of PCC (CONSER) records to include
$i in 76x-78x linking fields, for example:
780 00 $i Continues (work): $t Regional trends (London, England)
785 00 $i Continued by (work): $t Region and country profiles
Are mergers coded as:
785 00 $i Merged with: $t American electrician
785 00 $i To form: $t Electrical world (New York, N.Y. : 1906) ?
We wanted to confirm that this is now required and to be implemented
immediately. Although my library doesn't participate in CONSER, we
generally follow CONSER cataloging standards.
Kay Teel
Metadata Librarian for Serials and Arts Resources
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford, California
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