Reminder - Invitation to participate - Learning style of academic librarians survey (closes Monday 5/13) Kahl, Chad 13 May 2013 04:03 UTC

Reminder that the survey closes on Monday, May 13th.  If you have not participated, please consider spending the 15 to 20 minutes.  Thanks!
Hello Colleagues,

A group of Illinois State University librarians is researching the learning styles of academic librarians. The purpose of this study is to determine what, if any, patterns exist within this group using the Felder-Silverman Index of Learning Styles instrument.

You are invited to complete a brief, voluntary, and anonymous questionnaire that will gather professional demographic data and to take the Index of Learning Styles. It will take approximately 15-20 minutes to finish. You may withdraw at any time. At the end, you will receive your learning style results and information about those results.

Questionnaire is available at

The survey will be available until May 13, 2013.

This study protocol was approved by the Illinois State University Institutional Review Board (IRB). To ensure that this research continues to protect your rights and minimize your risk the IRB reserves the right to examine and evaluate data and research protocols involved in this project. If you wish additional information regarding your rights in this study you may contact the Research Ethics & Compliance Office at (309) 438-2529. If you have additional questions or comments please contact any of the principal investigators: Chad Kahl,, Jennifer Sharkey, or Amanda Rinehart,

Thank you for your time and participation.
Chad Kahl, on behalf of Amanda Rinehart and Jennifer Sharkey

Chad M. Kahl
Subject Specialist Librarian for Criminal Justice, Law, Military Science and Politics & Government
Associate Professor
Milner Library, room 418
Illinois State University
email: | IM: mlbcmkahl | phone: 309-438-3454 | fax: 309-438-3676

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