Attend NASIGs 28th Annual Conference
June 6th to June 9th 2013, Buffalo, NY
Dont be disappointed!
Register for the conference and book your hotel room NOW
before the NASIG room block fills up.
Spotlight on Vision Speakers
NASIG has pulled together an outstanding lineup of vision
speakers who will share their expertise as we explore the
Art of Information and the Architecture of Knowledge!
Bryan Alexander, Senior Fellow, National Inst. for
Technology in Liberal Education
NASIG Presentation: Libraries and Mobile Technologies in
the Age of the Visible College
Attend this session for insights on how the mobile
revolution has and will transform libraries, to review
recent changese-book renaissance, media ecosystems,
nearly-always-on user access, place as library instead
of library as place-- and to consider the future based
on an analysis of current trends.
Publication Topics: Emerging pedagogical forms enabled by
mobile technologies, learning processes and outcomes
associated with immersive environments (as in gaming and
augmented reality) and their applications. Recent
publication is Should Liberal Arts Campuses Do Digital
Humanities? in Debates in the Digital Humanities
(University of Minnesota Press, 2012).
Quote: Imagine a student heading to college in 2022. How
will her campus experience differ from ours? What changes
has digital technology made?... To imagine those futures, we
need to identify what shapes them. What are the most
powerful forces currently driving change in higher
Imagining the Future of Higher Education, EDUCAUSE
Quarterly, December 15, 2011.
Megan OakleafAssociate Professor, iSchool at Syracuse
NASIG Presentation: The Value of Serials in Academic and
Special Libraries
Attend this session on the challenge of defining,
demonstrating, & communicating the impact of serials.
Publication Topics: Outcomes assessment, evidence-based
decision making, information literacy instruction,
information services, and digital librarianship. Recent
publication Building the Assessment Librarian Guildhall:
Criteria and Skills for Quality Assessment Librarian
appears in the first 2013 issue of the Journal of Academic
Quote: Academic library value and impact exist on an
individual level. In other works, the difference that
academic libraries make in the lives of users typically
happens one user at a time. Building the Assessment
Librarian Guildhall: Criteria and Skills for Quality
Assessment Librarian Journal of Academic Librarianship,
39 (2013).
Siva Vaidhyanathan, Professor of Media Studies & Law at
University of Virginia
NASIG Presentation: Googlization and the Challenge of Big
Attend this session on questions about privacy and
intellectual policy of Big Data and why Big Data research
should include projects that examine the cultural,
intellectual, and societal implications.
Publication Topics: Critical information studies, politics
of information, intellectual property rights, cultural,
political and economic impact of information technology.
Recent book is The Googlization of Everything -- and Why We
Should Worry , published in 2011 by University of California
Quote: This endeavor, which I call the Human Knowledge
Project, would identify a series of policy challenges,
infrastructure needs, philosophical insights and
technological challenges with a single realizable goal in
mind: to organize the worlds information and make it
universally accessible. I am sure Google wont mind if we
copy its mission statement. The Googlization of
Everything (and Why We Should Worry), (University of
California Press, 2011) p. 205.
Attend NASIG!
NASIG continues its tradition of offering conferences that
have strong, engaging programs and numerous opportunities to
discuss issues and network in a relaxed environment with
colleaguespublishers, vendors, print and e-resources
providers and librarians. For more information, see:
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