Re: Journal of the Violin Society of America Laura E Wright 24 Jan 2013 16:44 UTC

We have received the CD-ROM and are in process of creating a new record, per CCM 16.4.1:

a. Major changes
In general, a change in the physical medium of the serial is a major change when the change would result in a change at the level of the GMD (e.g., print  electronic resource) or SMD (e.g., paper  (r)  microfiche, microfiche  (r)  microfilm, CD-ROM  (r)  online).  The new record is necessary because of differences in the fixed fields and description (particularly the physical description, field 300)

Laura Wright

Serials Cataloging Manager, Serials and Digital Access Unit
Metadata Services Department
University of Colorado, Boulder Libraries

(303) 492-4847

Wearing the sensible shoes proudly since 1995

-----Original Message-----
From: Crank, Richard L. [mailto:rcrank@KU.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 9:39 AM
Subject: Journal of the Violin Society of America

The oclc record has this 362 field: Ceased with v. 22, no. 1 (2009).

There's no reference to any title change or any record of a format change but we've rec'd v. 22, no. 2 / v. 23, no. 1 on a single cd-rom and have been informed it's now *only* available as a cd-rom. Has anyone else on SERIALST gotten the cd-rom? If so, how did you - or how do you  plan to - catalog.

Thanks, as always.

Rich Crank
Serial Records Team, Acquisitions/Serials Dept.
KU Libraries
University of Kansas
(785) 864-8944

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