Lead Acquisitions Librarian Position posting Georgie Donovan end 09 Jan 2013 15:55 UTC

Appalachian State University is seeking candidates for a Lead Acquisitions Librarian position who is responsible for the coordination and management of the Library’s acquisitions, including continuing resources (e-journals and databases).  Responsibilities include managing an acquisitions budget of over $3 million; developing user-centered document delivery services; handling endowment funds; managing acquisition of rare and special collections; leading a group of talented paraprofessional staff; negotiating price and access terms with vendors; and collaborating with network and consortial partners in purchase and license negotiation.

The job announcement is here:


Please forward to any of your colleagues who might be interested.  We hope to have a great pool for this important job, working at a great library.  Feel free to write me off list with questions or the committee chair, John Abbott (abbottjp@appstate.edu)


Georgie Donovan, assoc professor
Associate Dean of Libraries
Appalachian State University
828.262.7571 | donovangl@appstate.edu

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