Comparing business journals
Jennifer Sauer 26 Nov 2012 22:32 UTC
I have a professor inquiring about resources to help him find the total
number of academic business journals published in the US with the following
(1) general interest business journals (no particular focus);
(2) focused on international business; and
(3) focused on interdisciplinary business.
He is interested in comparing the number of general interest business
journals versus the number of internationally-focused business journals
versus the number of interdisciplinary business journals, and has been
searching in Cabell's Directory but encountered difficulties in refining
and comparing results. Does anyone know of other resources that could help
him achieve his objective?
Best regards,
Jennifer Sauer
Electronic Resources Management Librarian
Fort Hays State University
Forsyth Library
600 Park
Hays, KS 67601
Voice: (785)628-5262
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