Survey invitation: RDA Training and Implementation Issues Yuji Tosaka 13 Nov 2012 19:43 UTC

[Please excuse cross-postings]

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to participate in our online survey entitled RDA Training and Implementation Issues Survey. Through this study, we aim to replicate similar previous surveys and gain a better understanding of issues surrounding RDA training and implementation among cataloging and/or metadata librarians and managers on the eve of the first major catalog code revision in three decades.

We are interested in your participation because of your education and career background in cataloging and metadata. The survey should take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

The following link will lead you to the survey:

Participation in the survey is anonymous and voluntary. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact the Principal Investigators of this study at or 215-895-1669 or at or 609-771-2156 at any time.

Please complete the survey by December 15, 2012. Your assistance in providing invaluable information about this topic is much appreciated.


Jung-ran Park
Yuji Tosaka

Dr. Jung-ran Park
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Library Metadata
Associate Professor
The iSchool at Drexel
College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University
Phone: 215-895-1669

Dr. Yuji Tosaka
Cataloging/Metadata Librarian
The College of New Jersey
Phone: 609-711-2156

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