Latest version of TERMS available Jill Emery 25 Sep 2012 16:51 UTC

Graham Stone & I have been working on turning TERMS into a wiki!
TERMS: Techniques for Electronic Resource Management is a project
started by Jill Emery, Portland State University, and Graham Stone,
University of Huddersfield, to create best practices for management of
electronic resources that is shared, monitored, and updated by
librarians from throughout the world. We began this project a year ago
by posting each TERM segment to a tumblr blog and a Facebook group
page and soliciting feedback on our ideas from the library social
community. At the same time we also solicited for workflow documents
that could be shared via a publicly open dropbox. To date, we have 20
direct followers of the blog, 138 Twitter followers, and 152 Facebook
members. This wiki is the latest publicly available version of TERMS
and is intended to be updated and edited by contributors.

You can access the wiki here:

We invite feedback & edits to:

If you'd like to be an editor, please contact Jill Emery at: or Graham Stone at:

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* For additional information, see  the SERIALST Scope, Purpose and Usage Guidelines <>