Commercial Digest (4 messages) Bob Persing 07 Sep 2012 18:02 UTC

Commercial Digest, a once a week digest of messages containing
informational content from commercial bodies (i.e., publishers, vendors,
agents, etc.)

This week's digest contains 4 messages:

1) What role will academic libraries play in moving towards an OA
future? New report published today
2) 2013 Price List and Journal Changes from Bloomsbury Journals
(Formerly Berg Journals)
3) SPIE launches new journals open access program
4) Summon: new agreements with three publishers

Message #1:

Subject: What role will academic libraries play in moving towards an OA
future? New report published today
From: "Lucraft, Mithu" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 09:38:27 +0000

***Apologies for cross posting***

Colleagues may be interested in a report published today by SAGE in
association with the British Library on the role for academic librarians
in an OA future

The report can be accessed online here:

Kind regards

Mithu Lucraft,
PR Manager,

SAGE publishes report following roundtable in association with the
British Library

London, UK (04 September, 2012) – In April, leading independent academic
and professional publisher SAGE convened a roundtable in association
with the British Library into the role of the academic library in an
open access (OA) future. Chaired by publishing consultant Simon Inger
and attended by an international panel of 14 senior librarians and other
industry experts, the conclusions of this discussion have today been
published in a report, “Moving towards an open access future: the role
of academic libraries”.

The report is a summary of the discussion around what support and skills
librarians will require in an OA future, and how institutions,
publishers, funders and other parties should be supporting their library
partners, including variation by discipline and geographic region.
Representing librarians from the UK, Europe, USA and the Middle East,
attendees indicated that the concept of the individual library is
changing. Panellists highlighted an important shift, recognizing that
attention will shift from the library to the librarian: the information
professional will be the library of the future. Academic libraries and
research communication will have to evolve as open access grows in
importance, but while traditional roles may change, librarians will
still play an important role in managing and advising on information and
information-related budgets.

Key discussions include:
Addressing the culture of mistrust and misunderstanding regarding OA
amongst researchers
The varying uptake of OA and the subsequent impacts
The key roles that librarians will play in:
Sharing discovery and support services amongst libraries and institutions
Managing services such as institutional repositories
Providing licensing and related advice to researchers
Supporting preservation and managing metadata and recognising the
importance of recommender services
Explaining open access to researchers.

Open access calls for a greater move towards communication and working
together. The report concluded that to remain an important part of the
research process in institutions and beyond, the librarian has to be
creative and support users in new ways through communication,
collaboration and tools.

Stephen Barr, President SAGE International said, “SAGE is committed to
supporting the sustainable dissemination of scholarly and educational
material. The shift to open access raises issues for the whole scholarly
communication process, and we are committed to working with our
stakeholders to navigate these changes together. We were delighted to
work with the British Library in hosting this workshop to review the
potential challenges for academic libraries. Events since the workshop,
such as the Finch report and restatement of the position of the EU on
access to and preservation of scientific information, have increased the
importance of engaging with these changes for many stakeholders. We are
part of a changing scholarly landscape and are committed to supporting
our publishing partners, including launching new SAGE Open journals and
widening the availability of our SAGE Choice programme at a lower rate
for the humanities and social sciences.”

Caroline Brazier, Director of Scholarship and Collections, The British
Library, said, “The research library community has been awaiting a
‘sea-change’ in the world of scholarly communications [...] and it may
finally be arriving. Open Access is expected to speed up research
progress, productivity, and knowledge transfer as well as promoting the
democratisation of knowledge. While research librarians have been
amongst the strongest advocates of open access models, the implications
of these models for research libraries and their future role in
supporting the research process are less well understood. With this in
mind, we very much welcomed the opportunity to work with SAGE to host
the roundtable at the British Library and to participate in stimulating
discussions. We hope this report conveys the urgency and significance of
these issues to the wider research community.”

The report, “Moving towards an open access future: the role of academic
libraries”, forms part of a suite of research-led resources commissioned
by SAGE for the librarian community. Others include: “Working Together:
evolving value for academic libraries” and “Improving Discoverability of
Content in the Twenty-First Century ”. The full report can be viewed
here. For further information about this report and the other white
papers for the library community, please visit SAGE ‘s Library page.


“Moving towards an open access future: the role of academic libraries”
was produced by Research Information’s editor, Sian Harris as the
summary of roundtable discussion convened by SAGE Publications Ltd in
association with the British Library. The final report is a summary of
the roundtable held on the 26 April 2012, with a panel of 14 librarians
and industry participants. The findings reflect the opinions of the


SAGE is a leading international publisher of journals, books, and
electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets.
Since 1965, SAGE has helped inform and educate a global community of
scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students spanning a wide range
of subject areas including business, humanities, social sciences, and
science, technology, and medicine. An independent company, SAGE has
principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and
Washington DC.

The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom and
one of the world's greatest research libraries. It provides world class
information services to the academic, business, research and scientific
communities and offers unparalleled access to the world's largest and
most comprehensive research collection. The Library's collection has
developed over 250 years and exceeds 150 million separate items
representing every age of written civilisation and includes books,
journals, manuscripts, maps, stamps, music, patents, photographs,
newspapers and sound recordings in all written and spoken languages. Up
to 10 million people visit the British Library website - -
every year where they can view up to 4 million digitised collection
items and over 40 million pages.

The roundtable was chaired by Simon Inger, publishing consultant and was
attended by:
Carol Tenopir, University of Tennessee School of Information Sciences
Carolyn Alderson, JISC Collections
Catriona Cannon, Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford
Christine Fyfe, University of Leicester
Elizabeth Chapman, London School of Economics and Political Science
June Hedges, University College London
Lars Bjornshauge, IFLA & SPARC Europe
Liz Jolly, Teesside University
Michael Jubb, Research Information Network
Mohammed Mubarek, Qatar Foundation
Nicky Whitsed, Open University
Rick Anderson, University of Utah
Tony Kidd, SHEDL

SAGE, the Independent Publishers Guild Academic and Professional
Publisher of the Year 2012


Message #2:

Subject: 2013 Price List and Journal Changes from Bloomsbury Journals
(Formerly Berg Journals)
From: Eleanor Graves <>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 13:29:36 +0000


 From 1 January 2013, Berg journals will be published under Bloomsbury
Publishing. You may be aware that Bloomsbury bought Berg Publishers back
in 2008 and the time has now come for Berg to fully integrate into the
parent company – this will not affect the quality of the journals or the
way they are distributed.

We are pleased to inform you that the 2013 journal prices are now
available for all our journals, including 2 exciting new titles. From
2013 Bloomsbury will offer a selection of 18 publications, with a strong
focus on visual arts. Visit the website for
more information.

The 2013 journal price list can be found at:


· Architecture and Culture - Launching in November (1 issue in 2013, 3
per year from 2014)

This journal of the Architectural Humanities Research Association
investigates the relationship between architecture and the culture that
shapes and is shaped by it.

· The Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice - Launching in
March (1 issue per year)

This journal is available through an institutional subscription to
Textile: the Journal of Cloth and Culture. It will complement Textile’s
focus on visual and material culture by supplying a more practical and
design related approach.

· Fashion Theory has increased from 4 to 5 issues per year from 2013

The following journals have increased in page extent:
· Food, Culture & Society
· Anthrozoos

Libraries will have full access to all* available digitised backfiles
and current issues they subscribe to with each subscription.
* Except Anthrozoos: Archive content included in the subscription runs
from volume 20 – present. The Archive for volumes 1-19 is available to
purchase separately.

We are currently offering a 25% discount on all Anthrozoos print archive
sales to celebrate 25 years of the journal (until 31st December 2012).
Click here for more information:

All journals are available online only or in combination with a print
subscription except Art in Translation, which is only available

VAT will be charged against 40% on the online part of combined
institutional subscriptions if applicable. The full VAT charge will be
added to online only subscriptions.

Online access is provided at IngentaConnect. Registration and online
activation requests need to be placed at Ingenta. Further details and
instructions can be found at:

Institutional free trials are available for 30 days. To sign up, please

Bloomsbury Publishing supports the NISO/SERU initiative (Shared
Electronic Resource Understanding, sponsored by NISO

Libraries wishing to subscribe to Bloomsbury journals will be given the
option to forego a traditional licensing agreement and operate under
SERU Recommended Practices.

Bloomsbury Publishing welcomes enquiries from library consortia. The
collection offers exceptional value to institutions and consortia
interested in signing up to several or all of our journals.
Please contact Ellie Graves ( for sales
models and discounts.

All 2013 subscription renewals and new subscription orders should be
sent to your agent or directly to Turpin-Distribution.
Tel: +44 1767 604951,
Fax: + 44 1767 601640.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

Ellie Graves
Journals Marketing Executive

Bloomsbury Plc
50 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3DP

Message #3:

Subject: SPIE launches new journals open access program
From: Amy Nelson <>
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2012 09:35:23 -0700


A new program providing Gold Open Access upon publication has been
launched by SPIE, the international society of optics and photonics,
extending the society publisher's ability to serve its mission of
providing access to the broadest possible readership.

Read more in the press release below, and contact me with additional

Best regards,

Amy Nelson
Manager, Public Relations
+1 360 685 5478 (office)
+1 360 201 1116 (mobile)<>

SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics.


For immediate release
Web version

SPIE launches new open access program for all journals

BELLINGHAM, Washington, USA - 22 August 2012 - SPIE has announced a new
program that provides Gold Open Access upon publication for a journal
article for which authors or their institutions pay voluntary page
charges, beginning in January 2013. Authors will retain copyright under
the Creative Commons CC-BY license.

The new program covers articles in the
journals<> published by SPIE, the international
society for optics and photonics:
* Optical Engineering
* Journal of Biomedical Optics
* Journal of Electronic Imaging; co-published with IS&T
* Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS
* Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
* Journal of Nanophotonics
* Journal of Photonics for Energy.

SPIE will continue open access publication at no cost to authors for all
review and tutorial articles, and will continue to deposit NIH-funded
articles with PubMed Central on the authors' behalf.

"SPIE is excited to offer this innovative open access program to further
advance our goal of providing access to optics and photonics information
to the broadest possible readership." said SPIE Publications Committee
chair John Greivenkamp (College of Optical Sciences, University of
Arizona). "This is the most cost-effective solution to the challenge of
open access that I know about!"

"The voluntary page charges are modest, but help support the journals
and enable provision of open access," said SPIE Publications Business
Development Manager Mary Summerfield. "For journals with two-column
pages, the rate is $100 per published page; for journals with one
column, it is $60 per published page. Thus, for a Letter the cost will
be approximately $300 and for an average full paper it will be $700 to
$800. SPIE Journals will continue to offer subscriptions so that authors
who do not want to or cannot afford to pay these page charges can
continue to publish their articles in these journals."

With more than 375,000 journal articles and conference proceedings
papers and 167 SPIE Press books, the SPIE Digital
Library<> is the world's largest
collection of optics and photonics literature.

To support researchers in developing or low-income countries, SPIE
participates in the eJDS program <> of the Abdus
Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, providing papers on
demand to individual scientists, and the Information Network for the
Availability of Scientific Publications PERii
providing access to libraries in developing nations at low or reduced rates.

Earlier this year, SPIE announced a freeze on subscription prices for
2013 -- the fourth freeze or price decrease in as many years -- in
response to financial pressures faced by subscribing libraries.

SPIE<> is the international society for optics and
photonics, a not-for-profit organization founded in 1955 to advance
light-based technologies. The Society serves nearly 225,000 constituents
from approximately 150 countries, offering conferences, continuing
education, books, journals, and a digital library in support of
interdisciplinary information exchange, professional growth, and patent
precedent. SPIE provided over $2.7 million in support of education and
outreach programs in 2011.


Message #4:

Subject: Summon: new agreements with three publishers
From: Goetz, Christine (
Date: Fri. 9/7/12 12:12 AM

Thanks to new agreements with three publishers of scholarly open access
journal and book content, libraries using the Summon service from
Serials Solutions can offer researchers more access to freely available
resources outside of their own collections. Making these resources
accessible through the library discovery interface broadens the number
of highly relevant and appropriate results returned to researchers,
while further making the library the “go-to” resource for credible content.

Libertas Academica, based in New Zealand, publishes 87 peer-reviewed
medical and scientific journals, containing more than 2,800 articles. Of
the journals, 81 are open access while six are pay-per-view or
subscription only. Medical titles are prominent in the collection,
including a set of journals devoted to clinical practice in the major
medical specialties. There are also journals related to biotechnology
topics as well as other sciences.

eScholarship@McGill, the McGill University open access collection,
showcases the publications and theses of McGill University faculty and
students. The collection includes more than 30,000 full-text documents
of electronic theses, research articles and reports, working papers,
conference papers and books.

The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), provided by Open Access
Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN), is a discovery service for
peer-reviewed monographs published under an Open Access license. The
DOAB’s searchable index will be added to the Summon service, including
links to the full texts of the publications at the publisher’s Web site
or repository. More than 1100 academic peer-reviewed books from 28
publishers will be indexed and discoverable.

Since its launch in 2009, the Summon service has been the leading
solution for the discovery of open access content. The Summon service
contains more than 24 million open access records from a variety of
scholarly sources with a significant portion of this content searchable
in full text. With the Serials Solutions Client Center administrative
module libraries can easily expand their collections simply by choosing
to display selected open access content within their Summon results.

To learn about other announcements and posts to our Blog, go here.

About Serials Solutions

Serials Solutions provides industry-leading technology solutions for
libraries worldwide. The company helps libraries work better by
providing innovative, practical Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions
for discovery and management. Driven by a comprehensive knowledgebase
and coupled with unparalleled client support services, these solutions
uniquely merge unsurpassed understanding of libraries. Serials Solutions
is a dedicated partner of libraries working to remain vital and relevant
to their users and communities.

Serials Solutions, a ProQuest business, is headquartered in Seattle,


Christine Goetz

Public Relations Manager

Telephone: 206-336-7585

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