Holdings Statement - issues with no dates & 2 editions of one issue
Emma Antobam 14 Aug 2012 19:22 UTC
Hello! I'm wondering how I should express this in our holdings statement:
We own a set of journals where quite a few of them have no dates. This
wouldn't be a problem if the series was complete but it is incomplete. So I
input "(n.d.)" for nos. that have no date on the physical item. Then the last
issue we own no.15 has an original copy with no publication date and a
revised copy. We own both. I indiate we have no.15 the revised edition
published in 1918 and I created a second holdings statement under that to
show we also have no.15 first printed copy. I input the information as follows:
h no.1(1912)-no.3(n.d.), no.6(1911)-no.7(n.d.), no.9(1913)-no.13
(n.d.), no.15 (1918) rev. copy
h no.15a (n.d.) first copy
15a is the label given to the first copy of no. 15. How do others handle this
kind of thing? I was scrolling through at MFHD but it isn't specific enough for
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