Re: Magazines for Leisure Reading
Joelle Hannert 26 Jul 2012 20:20 UTC
Our top 10 highest used popular magazines for last year were Economist, Rolling
Stone, New Yorker, Bloomberg Businessweek, Psychology Today, Newsweek,
New Scientist, Vanity Fair, Mother Earth News and Wired. In general, the
popular science-type titles seem to get a lot of use.
We also make a point to get magazines from other countries to support our
international students, language programs and global awareness. We tend to
get tabloid-y, very accessible titles with lots of pictures. Bravo International
(Russia), Ming Pao (China), Paris Match (France), Hola (Spain), Bunte
If you're looking for more reading or justification of leisure collections, I'd
recommend this article on the impact of leisure reading on students' success:
"Self-Selected Reading for Enjoyment as a College Developmental Reading
Approach" by Eric Paulson in Journal of College Reading and Learning, 36.2
(Spring 2006.)
Please share some of the results from your Facebook survey with the list!
Joelle Hannert
Tech Services Coordinator
Osterlin Library
Northwestern Michigan College
Traverse City, MI 49686
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