Claiming in Millennium Innovative
Emma Antobam 24 Jul 2012 19:12 UTC
We have been claiming manually for some time. Millennium Innovative is our
library system of choice and the claim template used years ago was a "claim
to form" template. We no longer us this form therefore this template is
obsolete for us. I was recently able to find 1 other claim template available
which is more acceptable but not in an actual letter format. Reading the
Millennium manual, it mentions that a third party software called iReport is
required to edit the template. Is anyone familiar with iReport? Has anyone
changed their template using this software? Also, to send claims via email, a
product (Electronic Claiming of Serials Issues via Email Product code 506A) has
to be purchased. Is anyone using this product?
Normally in claiming, I will type out a letter and print it out on our letter head
and mail it via USPS or if there is an email address, I will type it in an email
and send it that way. I have more control over the input in the message but I
cannot claim as many items as I would like to in a limited time. We would like
to automate this process more by claiming through the system once again.
Millennium makes it simple enough through the Claiming Queue but the format
of the template I would like to change and cannot do with out iReport.
How does your institution claim serials? Manually as we do?
To those using millennium to claim: Do you use a template of your own design
in millennium? Are you using the product for claiming via email?
Does this claiming increase your ability to claim as many serials in less time?
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