Hello, The Knight-Capron Library has recently weeded the list of titles below. Requesting libraries will be asked to pay for shipping costs, including boxes, as they are incurred. If you would like to receive part or all of each title, please send a detailed description of your needs – title, part or all holdings data requested – to Patty McGarry (mcgarry.p@lynchburg.edu). Requests will be taken until TUESDAY, July 31. I have a list of the titles in Excel, if you will contact me off-list to receive it. Academy of Management Journal, 1988-97 American Demographics, 2000-4 American Health, 1993-6 American Health for Women, 1997-8 American Journal of Critical Care, 2000-3 Appetite, 1994-7 Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 1987-93 Atlantic Economic Journal, 1990-6 Care Management Journals, 1999-2003 Cause/effect, 1997-9 Child Behavior Therapy, 1979-81 Clinical Gerontologist, 1986-91 Columbia Journalism Review, 1995-7 Communication Research, 2000-2 Communication Research Reports, 2003-4 Communications Quarterly, 1999 Computers in Physics, 1992-8 Early Drama, Art, and Music Review, 1996-9 Education and Training in Mental Retardation, 1987-93 Entertainment Design, 1999-2005 Gallup Poll Briefing, 2006 Gallup Poll Tuesday Briefing, 2000-5 Genetics, 2000-3 Graphis, 1999- 2005 Health Education & Behavior, 1997 Health Education Quarterly, 1990-6 Historical papers, 1962 History of Philosophy Quarterly, 1995-9 Instructor, 1987-90 Instructor and Teacher, 1981-7 JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics & Regulation, 1999-2005 Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2000-3 Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 1997-2003 Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia, 1971-8 Journal of Case Management, 1996-8 Journal of College Student Personnel, 1986-7 Journal of Common Market Studies, 2002-5 Journal of Consumer Research, 1992-7 Journal of Environmental Quality, 2000-3 Journal of Ethics, 2000-5 Journal of General Physiology, 2000-5 Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 1997-8, 2000-1 Journal of Offender Counseling, Services…, 1987-90 Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2000-3 Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 1991-6 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing, 1997-9 Journal of Sport Psychology, 1986-7 Journal of the Assoc. for the Severely Han., 1980-3 Journal of Virginia Education, 1979-80 Journalism and Mass Communication Quar, 1995-9 Journalism Quarterly, 1992- 4 Journals of Gerontology Series B, 1995-6 N & HC Perspectives on Community, 1995-7 Nursing Education Perspectives, 2002-3 Parents Magazine, 1997-2001 Parents Magazine & Better Family Living, 1969-73 Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 1996-7 Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 2009 Psychology & Marketing, 2000-3 Sales Management. 1969-75 Southern Studies, 2005-6 Strategic Finance, 1999-2003 Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 2004-6 Transactions of the Charles S. Pierce Society, 1996-9 UN Monthly Chronicle, 1964-78 US Banker, 1997-8 Vogue, 1994-2001 World Health, 1997-8 World Watch, 1994-5 Academe, 1979-2003 Action in Teacher Education, 1988-98 Administrative Science Quarterly, 1967-89 American Archivist, 1990-2000 American Forests, 1948-51, 1962-2004 American Journal of Art Therapy, 1988- 2002 American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1983-99 American Journal of Physiology, 1977-83, 1997-2001 American Journal of Psychology, 1960-80, 1986-99 American Journal of Public Health, 1936-70 American Psychologist, 1953-99 American Scholar, 1962-99 American Speech, 1963-99 Arts and Activities, 1980-97 Astronomy, 1992-9 Audubon, 1962-2003 Behavioral Neuroscience, 1983-2005 Bilingual Review, 1984-98 Broadcasting & Cable, 1996-2003 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1946-97 Business Horizons, 1986- 99 Canadian Nurse, 1965-2006 Castanea/Southern Appalachian Botanical, 1950-97 Critical Care Quarterly, 1978-86 Clearing House, 1970-99 Computers in Libraries, 1989-2002 Computers in Nursing, 1988-99 Congressional Digest, 1982-2006 Contemporary Literature, 1960-74 Contemporary Psychology, 1957- 93 Counseling Psychologist, 1988-99 Critique, 1985-99 Current Musicology, 1968-96 Developmental Psychology, 1996-2005 Dimensions, 1977-92 Education/Training/Developmental Disabilities, 1994-2002 Education/Training/Mentally Retarded, 1966-86 Educom Review, 1989-99 Elementary School Guidance/Counseling, 1977-97 Family Relations, 2006-8 Far Eastern Economic Review, 1987-2006 Financial Management, 1972-96 Foreign Policy Bulletin, 1990-9 Gallup Poll Monthly, 1989-2001 Gerontologist, 1972-96 Good Housekeeping, 1970-2001 Health, 1992-2003 Holistic Nursing Practice, 1986-2003 HRMagazine, 1990-2010 Hume Studies, 1996-2006 Image/Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 1988-99 Individual Psychology, 1982-97 Individual Psychology Bulletin, 1941-51 Instructor, 1967-81 Patricia McGarry Acquisitions/Periodicals Associate Knight -Capron Library Phone: 434-544-8398 Fax: 434-544-8499 email: mcgarry.p@lynchburg.edu Lynchburg College 1501 Lakeside Drive Lynchburg, VA 24501-3199 *********************************************** * You are subscribed to the SERIALST listserv (Serials in Libraries discussion forum) * For additional information, see the SERIALST Scope, Purpose and Usage Guidelines <http://www.uvm.edu/~bmaclenn/serialst.html> ***********************************************