FW: [SERIALST] Sound recording magazines Hartley, Melissa 02 Jun 2012 01:44 UTC

I asked for input on this from Dave Trenkel, who is a recording engineer and musician who reads a lot of sound recording magazines.  He writes:

"I'd recommend the first 2 magazines on the original poster's list, TapeOp and Sound on Sound. I know that's 2 magazines, but they kind of cover different parts of the spectrum, and complement each other. TapeOp is always fun to read, and really talks about real-world recording. Sound on Sound has probably the most rigorous and unbiased reviews of hardware and software of any magazine in the industry, and tends to have really good educational/tutorial materials. The downside of Sound on Sound is that it is British, so some of the cultural references are a little hard to get. TapeOp's only downside is that it is only published bimonthly, so there just is not enough of it. I haven't read Electronic Musician for quite a while, but it seemed to be getting lighter in content and less interesting. Mix is aimed more at high-end studios, and seems less relevant to their needs.

Hope this helps!"

Melissa Hartley
Oregon State University Libraries

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@list.uvm.edu] On Behalf Of Joelle Hannert
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 9:32 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Sound recording magazines

I'm looking for suggestions for a sound recording magazine.  We serve a
community college with a small music program, offering a handful of classes on
recording, some cover analog, but most is digital.  A few publications I'm
considering are TapeOp, Sound on Sound, EM and Mix.  I would appreciate any
expert opinions.


Joelle Hannert
Osterlin Library - Tech Services
Northwestern Michigan College
Traverse City, MI

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