SFX MARCit! (MARC record update service) Birdie MacLennan 14 May 2012 18:01 UTC

Dear SERIALSTers -
We are a relatively new SFX site, and recently signed on to the ExLibris
MARCit! record service with a goal of being able to generate monthly
MARC catalog records updates from the SFX Knowledgebase for our ExLibris
Voyager catalog.

I am interested in hearing from colleagues at other SFX - Voyager sites
who are using MARCit and would be willing to share information about
their set-up and procedural workflows for monthly or more frequent
updates.  We are particularly interested in workflows related to updates
or comparative files (added, deleted, replaced records)
  We've encountered some issues with getting this product work for
smoothly for us ... ExLibris has been slow to address the technical issues.
We are also wondering if  your site has implemented both Primo and SFX,
are you also using a MARC record service, such as MARCit, to add
ejournal records derived from SFX to the catalog? or have you included
the KB in the Primo discovery set-up and now no longer worry about MARC
record loads?  Is anyone who is using SFX using another MARC record
service to generate records for the catalog?

Please feel free to respond directly to me, or to the list.
If direct response it abundant, I will post a summary to the list.
  - Birdie


        Birdie MacLennan
        Bailey/Howe Library
        University of Vermont         E-mail:bmaclenn@uvm.edu
        538 Main Street                Phone:   802-656-2016
        Burlington, VT  05405, USA       Fax:   802-656-4038
  Library Professor/Director, Resource Description&  Analysis Services

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