Re: Claiming in Millennium and Ebsco
Katy DiVittorio 11 Apr 2012 20:36 UTC
Thank you to everyone who responded about how to claim. I am going through
all the information I have received. It has been very helpful. I have a
couple additional questions at this point.
It appears that some people use the Review option in Claiming and some use
the Range option. For those that use the Review option, I have never
created a Review File in Create Lists and was hoping for some additional
guidance. How do you create the file?
My other question is on how to set up automatic claiming in Millennium.
Right now it appears we have to run claiming in Millennium to figure out
what is late and then go into Ebsconet and submit the actual claim there.
Is there a way to run the claiming in Millennium and when it is generated
the claim is automatically sent to Ebsco?
Katy DiVittorio
Serials Acquisitions Specialist
Auraria Library
1100 Lawrence Street
Denver, Colorado 80204
303-556-4513 (tel)
303-556-2623 (fax)
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