Re: vendor question Mike saunders 31 Jan 2012 13:27 UTC

When we switched from SWETS because they forgot to renew ALL of our subscriptions. I would call that pretty poor service.

Mike Saunders,
Serials Officer,
National Gallery of Canada

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [] On Behalf Of Pam Scott
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] vendor question

Hi Roger,

Regarding your switch to Swets - what made the vendor switch smooth?
Do you think it's that the publishers are better prepared to handle
such changes or do you think it has more to do with the subscription
vendors?  We switched many years ago - just when the e-access was
starting to grow - and at that time it was extremely painful.  I think
our library's management of e-journals (using Serials Solutions, etc)
and by less reliance on access directly through our subscription
vendor might make a switch easier now.  I would appreciate any
feedback that you could give.  We are considering a switch from Swets
to Ebsco.  Although we dread the process, the service we're receiving
from Swets has been poor.


Pam Scott
Tripler Army Medical Library

On 1/23/12, DAVIS, ROGER <> wrote:
> I've had the "privilege" of changing serial vendors three times in the last
> 15 years. There are good points and bad for each vendor and it depends
> somewhat on the size of your collection if one will be better for you than
> another. I will say that our last switch to SWETS was the smoothest I've
> seen. It was seamless and we had very few problems with publishers.
> Roger
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
> [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Coakley, Lynn
> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 2:47 PM
> Subject: [SERIALST] vendor question
> hi all:
> A colleague at a neighboring college asked me for information about
> periodicals vendors besides Ebsco of which they are a customer.  Apparently
> an audit turned up the fact that there are other vendors that are cheaper.
> Personally, I think the agony of getting titles transferred from one vendor
> to another is not worth the lesser cost, but that's my opinion.
> I told her I would ask this list for ideas of a different periodicals vendor
> that you love (or that you hate), I'd love to have that info.
> Thanks
> Lynn
> --
> Lynn Coakley
> Coordinator of Technical Services
> Library
> Springfield Technical Community College
> One Armory Sq.
> Springfield, MA  01102
> 413.755.4565
> fax 413.755.6315

Pam Scott, MLISc
Technical Information Specialist
Tripler Medical Library
1 Jarrett White Road
Tripler Army Medical Center, HI  96859-5000
Ph: 808.433.6391
Fx. 808.433.4892