Re: Bulk delete of E-resources?
Kevyn Barnes 06 Dec 2011 20:40 UTC
We use InMagic's DB/TextWorks. My procedure is to run the query that I think
will work find the correct records & then do a bulk *change* to mark the
items for deletion before actually deleting them. This allows me to
carefully review the records before actually deleting them. This performs
essentially the same function as III Millennium's built-in review file, but
the actual process is a little clumsier.
Just a note, though for anybody contemplating bulk changes in a setting with
many catalogers in different departments: I suggest letting the other
departments know in advance what you intend to do to make sure legitimate
records created by special catalogers will not be affected... I've seen some
angry folks who had been using certain fields in a different manner than the
main cataloging department! (Hard lesson learned, but luckily it wasn't
first hand)