Nominations for the Esther J. Piercy Award Kelley, Steve 13 Oct 2011 15:37 UTC

Dear colleagues--

Nominations are being accepted for the 2012 Association for Library
Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) awards for professional
achievement.  One of these awards is the Esther J. Piercy Award.

The Esther J. Piercy Award is targeted toward newer members of our
professional specialties, including collection development and
management; acquisitions; bibliographic organization, cataloging, and
metadata; serials/continuing resources; preservation and digitization;
and related emerging areas.

The Piercy Award, a $1,500 grant and citation donated by YBP, Inc.,
recognizes contributions to library collections and technical services
by a librarian with no more than 10 years of professional experience
who has shown outstanding promise for continuing contribution and
leadership.  Winners will be chosen based on accomplishments related
to technical services and resources in such areas as:  leadership in
professional associations at local, state, regional or national level;
contributions to the development, application or utilization of new or
improved methods, techniques and routines; significant contribution to
professional literature; and conduct of studies or research in the
technical services.

Eligibility is not limited by country, citizenship, or membership in a
specific organization.

Send nominations, including a statement giving the reasons for
nomination, the date your nominee entered his or her first
professional position, and the nominee’s resume or narrative career
outline, along with supporting documents, to:
Steve Kelley, chair, Piercy Jury,

Re-submission of nominations from previous years is welcomed, so long
as the nominee still has no more than 10 years of professional

Visit the Piercy Award page for more information (for example, about
supporting documents):

ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.

Documents in electronic format, sent to the chair as email
attachments, are preferred.  If this is not possible, nominators may
send printed materials to the chair at the address below.

The deadline for nominations and supporting materials is Dec. 1, 2011.

This message is being distributed on behalf of the Piercy Award Jury.
Please pardon any duplication.

Nominating a colleague for the Piercy Award is a great way of
recognizing the contributions of someone who has joined our profession
during the last ten years.  The Piercy Jury hopes to have a
challenging assignment in choosing one among many worthy nominees.

We are eager to hear from you.

On behalf of the jury,
Steve Kelley

Surface mail address of Piercy Jury chair:

Steve Kelley
Head of Resource Maintenance and Serials Cataloging Librarian
Wake Forest University
Z. Smith Reynolds Library
PO Box 7777
Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7777