Re: Call for Speakers, Washington DC metro area event Dawn Stephen 02 Sep 2011 14:02 UTC

Hi Michelle.

What is the deadline for this? Thanks.


Dawn Stephen
Head of the Electronic Resources and Serials Unit
Lauinger Library
Georgetown University
37th & O Streets NW
Washington DC 20057-1174

Michelle Flinchbaugh wrote:
> Call for Speakers: 2011 Future of Technical Services Forum
> The Maryland Library Association Technical Services Division is
> sponsoring this forum on December 9, 2011 at the Greenbelt Branch of
> Prince George’s County Memorial Library System.
> /Have you stepped outside of the traditional technical services role
> to meet the future?/
> /
> /
> /Are you doing something new, innovative or exciting at your library
> that involves technical services or a technical services staff?/
> /
> /
> /Is your technical services unit developing new structures or
> workflows within your organization in order to stay relevant and
> irreplaceable?/
> /
> /
> /Do you have new skills to enable you for the future?/
> If so, we would very much like to hear about it at a forum on the
> Future of Technical Services that will be held in Greenbelt on
> December 9.  A wide range of traditional and innovative topics are
> welcome.
> If you’re interested, please send a short proposal to Michelle
> Flinchbaugh, <>.
> Michelle Flinchbaugh
> President, MLA TSD
> Acquistions Librarian
> UMBC Library
> 1000 Hilltop Circle
> Baltimore, MD 212250
> Phone: 410-455-6754 <tel:410-455-6754>