FW: [ezproxy] problems with Nature titles? Platkowski, Melissa 04 Feb 2011 20:35 UTC

There was quite a discussion about this on the EZ Proxy listserv a few weeks ago.  Don't know what the problem actually was, since we didn't see it here. It sounds like a problem on NPG's side.  Read below...

Melissa Platkowski

Electronic Resources Librarian
David A. Cofrin Library
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Dr.
Green Bay, WI  54311-7001
P: (920) 465-2764  
F: (920) 465-2136


-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer L. Ward [mailto:jlward1@uw.edu]
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 4:55 PM
To: EZProxy discussion list
Subject: Re: [ezproxy] problems with Nature titles?

This has been resolved as of about 11:15am PST, at least at UW and a few of the other institutions that saw this. Luke, I believe you got a case number from Christina if you need to pursue it further?

NPG didn't reveal any details, but the problem was on their end.

A very wise person in my office reminded me of the usefulness of wget. Using wget, we could replicate the problem from different servers and were eventually able to take ezproxy out of the equation entirely. I relayed that info to NPG and they were able to fix whatever was amiss.

Thanks to Christina for pursuing this from the ezproxy angle.


On Thu, 13 Jan 2011, Rosenberger, Luke E wrote:

:Just wanted to chime in that we are seeing the same behavior you described.
:Have you been issued a case or ticket number by NPG Support?  If so, can you let us know so that we can also call in and reference the same case number?
:Luke Rosenberger * Director *
:Library Technology & Historical Collections *
:UT Health Science Center San Antonio *
:MSC 7940, 7703 Floyd Curl Dr * San Antonio TX 78229-3900 *
:+1 210.567.2486 * rosenberger@uthscsa.edu *
:-----Original Message-----
:From: Jennifer Ward [mailto:jlward1@uw.edu]
:Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 2:50 PM
:To: EZProxy discussion list
:Subject: [SUSPECTED MARKETING] Re: [ezproxy] problems with Nature titles?
:I resent my original query to NPG, said others were seeing this as well, and asked them to escalate.
:FWIW, I had to be off-campus in order to see this -- accessing NPG pubs via the proxy while on campus wasn't effective (sometimes it is, but in this case it wasn't).
:On Jan 12, 2011, at 12:17 PM, Christina Yau wrote:
:> YES, my library also got this problem yesterday.  I contacted the
:> Nature support and they said no change on their side and asked me to
:> check with my campus IT.
:> Even though not all libraries see this problem, now with 3 or more of
:> us already, I will ask the Nature support look harder into this.
:> Christina
:> ------------------------------------------------
:> Hiu-shan (Christina) Yau
:> Asst. Prof. / Systems Librarian
:> Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D., Library, AB-221 Medical College of Georgia
:> 1459 Laney-Walker Boulevard
:> Augusta, GA 30912
:> Phone: (706) 721-9910
:> E-mail: hyau@mail.mcg.edu
:> On February 1, 2011, MCG will become
:> Georgia Health Sciences University
:> http://name.mcg.edu
:> ------------------------------------------------
:> >>>
:> From:
:> "Walsh, David B." <WalshD@missouri.edu>
:> To:
:> "EZProxy discussion list" <ezproxy@ls.suny.edu>
:> Date:
:> 01/12/2011 3:03 PM
:> Subject:
:> RE: [ezproxy] problems with Nature titles?
:> YES!  Just noted it yesterday.  Nature is fine and the others behave
:> exactly as you describe.
:> Dave
:> David B. Walsh
:> Head, Electronic Resources Unit
:> Acquisitions Department
:> Ellis Library Serials, 1020 Lowry St.
:> University of Missouri-Columbia
:> Columbia, MO 65201-5149
:> Voice  573-884-8909
:> Fax    573-884-5243
:> "The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered. We know that.
:> And yes, there are certainly times when we aren't able to muster as
:> much strength and patience as we would like. It's called being human."
:> - Elizabeth Edwards
:> -----Original Message-----
:> From: Jennifer Ward [mailto:jlward1@uw.edu]
:> Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 1:25 PM
:> To: EZProxy discussion list
:> Subject: [ezproxy] problems with Nature titles?
:> Greetings,
:> Is anyone else having difficulties accessing Nature Publishing Group
:> titles via ezproxy? Access seems to be fine for Nature, but other
:> titles (e.g., Nature Biotechnology) accessed via the proxy display
:> no content. If I view the source of the page that's eventually
:> returned, I can see that only part of the header gets returned -- it
:> generally cuts off as it's doing a browser check for CSS delivery.
:> This is true on Windows7 IE/FF and
:> Mac10.5 Safari/FF. On-campus access is fine.
:> I've checked the EZProxy database list and NPG's site, but see no
:> new configs. A user first reported this on Jan 7. I added another
:> unadvertised domain to our proxy config yesterday, but the problems
:> persist today.
:> In addition to nature.com I know they're also serving content from:
:> ad.doubleclick.net
:> akamaitechnologies.com
:> 2mdn.net
:> Thanks,
:> Jennifer
:> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:> Jennifer Ward
:> Head, Web Services
:> Information Technology Services
:> University of Washington Libraries
:> phone: 206.685.3121
:> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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:To unsubscribe, send request to scacad@itec.suny.edu

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