Re: Processing flash drive and other 'born digital' items Chris Koehler 23 Dec 2010 17:24 UTC

I share Sarah's concern regarding deleting or modifying the files on the Flash
drive.  For obvious reasons I have not attempted to delete the files from the
Flash drive but I did try adding and deleting a test text file to the drive and
was able to do so.

I should note that the 2009 and 2010 proceedings are available on the ASIS&T
website and access appears to be free; however, the issue of adding websites
for freely available materials to our catalog opens another can of worms which
has been the subject of much discussion within our 'born digital' group.

I did send an email to ASIS&T asking why the proceedings were issued on a
Flash drive and received a reply from the Executive Director that it was done at
the request of meeting attendees since those with computers at the meeting
frequently don't have an optical drive on their computers.  So we may be
seeing more Flash drives in the future.

-Chris Koehler

On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 14:10:20 +0000, Sanabria, Sarah Haight
<shaight@MAIL.SMU.EDU> wrote:

>Before placing the item on the shelf, I would check to make sure the user
can't delete or modify the files on the Flash drive.  I'm also interested to hear
how others process these.
>Sarah Haight Sanabria
>Electronic Resources Cataloger
>Central University Libraries
>Southern Methodist University
>P.O. Box 750135
>Dallas, Texas 75275-0135
>Voice: 214.768.3646
>Fax: 214.768.2337
>From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[] On Behalf Of Andree Rathemacher
>Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 4:30 PM
>Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Processing flash drive and other 'born digital' items
>I'll keep my extended comments on the ASIST flash drive situation to myself
for the sake of decorum, but here's what we did at URI:
>We took a small, heavy cardboard pamphlet binder and stuck a plastic CD-
ROM pocket inside the back cover. We placed the flash drive in the pocket. We
stuck a small label on the flash drive itself, then we labeled the pamphlet binder
like any other print item and stuck it on the shelf.
>As I said in a message to our EBSCO rep, it's a bit ironic that the American
Society for Information Science and Technology does not have an online
hosted solution for their proceedings.
>Good luck!
<original email edited out>
>Andr�e Rathemacher
>Associate Professor / Head, Acquisitions
>University Libraries, University of Rhode Island
>15 Lippitt Road
>Kingston, RI  02881-2011
>work: (401) 874-5096 / fax: (401) 874-4588
>google voice: (401) 267-8041
>e-mail work:<> / e-mail personal:<>