ALCTS CRS Standards Update Forum Young,Naomi Kietzke 21 Dec 2010 19:59 UTC

Submitted with the usual pleas for mercy because you may see this several times.

The ALCTS Continuing Resources Committee on Standards invites you to our Standards Update Forum, Sunday, Jan. 9, 10:30 AM-Noon at the Hilton Bayfront Aqua 314.

We are pleased to present:

Dina Benson, of the University of Florida, on the Encoded Archival Context: Corporate Bodies, People and Families (EAC-CPF) metadata standard. EAC is an international standard for encoding   contextual information about "individuals, families, and corporate bodies that create, use, and are responsible for and/or associated with records in a variety of ways." (For more information, see: )

Susan Marcin, of Columbia University, on the proposed NISO standard Improving OpenURL through Analytics (IOTA).  "IOTA is an initiative that makes use of log files from various institutions and vendors to analyze element frequency and patterns contained within OpenURL strings. The reports created from this analysis allows users to make improvements to their OpenURL strings (by increasing the number of elements passed in an OpenURL string for example) so that the maximum number of OpenURL requests resolve to a correct record."
  (For more information, see: )

Sara Russell Gonzalez of the University of Florida on the VIVO Project. "VIVO is an interdisciplinary national network enabling collaboration and discovery between scientists across all disciplines." (For more information, see: )

We hope to see you at the Hilton on Sunday morning!

ALCTS Continuing Resources Standards Committee