OA WEEK: Mandate Adoption Challenge for Institutions and Funders Stevan Harnad 11 Oct 2010 20:00 UTC

University of Southampton/EPrints is launching a week-long Open Access
Mandate Adoption Challenge for OA Week.

Representatives of universities, research institutions and research
funders the world over that have adopted (or are planning to adopt) an
OA mandate are invited to register their policy in ROARMAP (the
Registry of Open Access Material Archiving Policies) as a show of
force during OA week, setting an example to encourage other
institutions and funders worldwide to do likewise.

If you know of an OA mandate -- already adopted or proposed -- that
has not yet been registered in ROARMAP, please register it (or
encourage a relevant official to register it).

Progress in mandate growth during OA week will be charted by Dr. Alma
Swan in OASIS (Open Access Information Sourcebook)
http://bit.ly/OAsisMandateGrowth and EOS (EnablingOpenScholarship).

Register your mandate in ROARMAP here: