(no subject) Williams, Mary 27 Aug 2010 16:40 UTC

We've had more than a few phone calls from irate faculty who think we've
canceled "their" journal because they've navigated to Wiley archives by
various means, clicked on an article PDF and gotten this message:
University of Tennessee - UTHSC- Memphis's subscription to this
publication has expired. Please contact your librarian for details.

In fact, our subscription is current;  we simply have not purchased the
backfiles.  I contacted Wiley and they want me to provide them with
URLs.  I'm sure that there are thousands of articles where this message
would appear and I certainly can't go hunting URLs.

I'm being very polite because I have a great amount of frustration with
Wiley in general after we spent the first four months of this year
denied access to articles for which we HAD paid and it took nearly
divine intervention to get any help.  We were shuttled from person to
person across four continents before anything got resolved.  I have to
think that these were all Wiley legacies; we got MUCH better service
from Blackwell when they were independent.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, any suggestions?  Perhaps I
haven't stated the problem clearly.

Many thanks,


Mary Williams (mwill108@uthsc.edu)
Serials Librarian
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Library and Biocommunications Center
877 Madison Avenue, Room 250
Memphis, TN 38163

Phone: (901) 448-5154
FAX: (901) 448-5402