Registration Now Open: NCLA Resources and Technical Services Section (RTSS) Fall Workshop
Kemp, Rebecca Laura 16 Aug 2010 13:41 UTC
You are all cordially invited to register for the North Carolina Library Association Resources and Technical Services Section's Fall Workshop, "Navigating the New Frontier," which will be held at University of North Carolina-Greensboro's (UNCG) Elliott University Center, Thursday, September 30, 2010.
The workshop will include sessions on the future of technical services; cataloging non-print resources; lending e-book readers; purchase-on-demand collection development; community analysis; e-resource accessibility from the catalog; print preservation; and the challenges facing technical services personnel today.
Registration fee: NCLA RTSS members -- $25 / NCLA non-RTSS members -- $30 / Non-NCLA members -- $35
Optional conference lunch: $8
Registration deadline for online and mail-in registrations: **FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17**
You can register online, by mail, or in person at the workshop. Please note, you may only order the conference lunch if you register online or by mail by September 17.
Please see this page ( for more information and for the registration link and flyer. Contact Rebecca Kemp (rkemp<at>email<dot>unc<dot>edu or 919-962-0162) with questions.
Hope to see you there,
Rebecca Kemp
E-Resources Acquisitions Librarian
CB#3938 Davis Library
UNC-Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890
ph: 919-962-0162
fax: 919-962-4450