Show Me the Data: Managing Data Sets for Scholarly Content -- August 9 NISO Webinar Cynthia Hodgson 28 Jul 2010 14:34 UTC

There's still time to register for the National Information Standards
Organization (NISO) August webinar on Show Me the Data: Managing Data Sets
for Scholarly Content-August 11 from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. (Eastern).


This webinar examines the state of the art in linking published scholarly
information -- think journal articles -- to the data that supports the
publication. In an area devoid of standards, pioneering work is being done
both by publishers, libraries, and repositories to address how to manage the
datasets that support scholarly publications.

The webinar will address such questions as: How are commercial and
non-profit publishers responding to the demand to link publications directly
to data? What are the important technical developments aimed at providing
seamless linkages between publications and data? What are the implications
for publishers, research libraries, faculty, and researchers and their
established cultures?


.	New Models for Publications and Datasets: Dryad
Dr. Jane Greenberg, Professor, School of Information and Library Science,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dryad is a repository for data underlying scholarly publications in the
field of evolutionary biology and related disciplines, supported by a
partnership involving professional associations and publishers.

.	Providing Access to Citable Data: DataCite
Joan Starr, Strategic & Project Planning Manager, California Digital Library
John Kunze, Associate Director, UC Curation Center, California Digital
DataCite is a new international organization that works to improve the
scholarly infrastructure around datasets, including establishment of best
practices for citing well-preserved datasets. EZID is the California Digital
Library's application for simple identifier management, including DOIs, and
other long-term identifiers, such as ARKs.

.	From Documents to Data: Challenges in Linking, Aggregating and
Joel Hammond, Director, Product Management & Development, Healthcare &
Science, Thomson Reuters
Does research data matter? Data-driven research is generating its own set of
research questions and priorities. Publishers are attempting to define the
value of data in scholarly communication and provide new means for enabling
its discovery and the attribution of credit.


Registration is per site (defined as access for one computer). NISO and
NASIG members may register at a discounted rate. A student discount is also
available. Can't make it on the scheduled date or time? Registrants receive
access to the recorded version for one year, which can be viewed at your
convenience. For more information or to register, visit the event webpage:

Cynthia Hodgson
NISO Technical Editor Consultant
National Information Standards Organization
Phone: 301-654-2512