Re: EBSCO online check-in
Pamela Sue Bruner 13 Jul 2010 23:07 UTC
We are a 15 branch library system and use EBSCONet for claiming as
well as e-mailing our rep directly. It works quite well. We tried
the EBSCONet local check-in for serials when it first came out in
2008. It didn?t work well, so we decided to let them work out the
bugs. When we tried again in January 2010 it was much improved, but
the predictions were incorrect, it was more work than it was worth. I
am told that January 2011 will bring more improvements, so will try
again then.
Pamela Bruner
Head of Serials
Palm Beach County Library System
Quoting Tracy Leroy <TLeroy@SNO-ISLE.ORG>:
> We are a 21 branch system, with centralized receiving/processing of
> our magazines. We use our ILS (currently CARL) to check-in issues.
> Our "processing" entails a label with the branch name (much easier
> to see than trying to read the mailing label), 4" date label,
> covered by a length of clear tape down the spine. I'm interested in
> what processing other public libraries do. Also, do any of you use
> EBSCO online check-in/claiming. We are moving to a new ILS and I'm
> considering using the EBSCO check-in/claim function instead of that
> provided by the ILS. Are there advantages to doing so?
> Thanks for your input!
> Tracy LeRoy
> Acquisitions Manager
> Sno-Isle Libraries