Best Draft Model for US University Green OA Self-Archiving Mandate So Far: U North Texas Stevan Harnad 13 May 2010 03:04 UTC

** Apologies for Cross-Posting **

The University of North Texas is hosting an Open Access Symposium on
Tuesday, May 18, 2010:

The event features both nationally and internationally recognized
leaders in the open access initiative. The symposium is intended as a
catalyst to move UNT and other academic institutions in Texas forward
in their consideration of institutional open access policies.

The UNT Open Access Policy Committee has just completed a first
complete draft of a policy for open access to scholarly works at the
University of North Texas. The Committee sees this as an initial step
in broadening discussion by the UNT campus community on open access
and the policy. The Policy on Open Access to Scholarly Works. This
draft was distributed to the UNT Faculty Senate at its May 12, 2010

POLICY STATEMENT (excerpts; full text here:

In support of long-term stewardship and preservation of UNT faculty
members’ scholarly works in digital form, the UNT community members
agree to the following:

•	Each UNT community member deposits a final version of his/her
scholarly works in to which he or she made substantial intellectual
contributions in the UNT Libraries Scholarly Works repository...

In support of greater access to scholarly works, the UNT community
members agree to the following for peer-reviewed,
accepted-for-publication, journal articles:

•	Immediate Deposit: Each UNT community member deposits an electronic
copy of his/her final edited version after peer review and acceptance
of each article, no later than the date of its publication. Deposit is
made into the UNT Libraries Scholarly Works repository. The author is
encouraged to make the deposit available to the public by setting
access to the deposit as Open Access Immediately Upon Deposit.

•	Optional Delayed Open Access: Upon express direction by a UNT
community member for an individual article, the Provost or Provost’s
designate will adjust the Open Access Immediately Upon Deposit
requirement to align with publishers’ policies regarding open access
of self- archived works or the wishes of the community member

•	Licensing: Where not prohibited by a publisher, each UNT community
member grants to UNT permission to make scholarly peer-reviewed
journal articles to which he or she made substantial intellectual
contributions publicly available in the UNT Libraries Scholarly Works
repository for the purpose of open dissemination. Each UNT community
member grants to UNT a nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license to
exercise any and all rights under copyright relating to his or her
scholarly articles, in any medium, and to authorize others to do so,
provided that the articles are not sold. The Provost or Provost's
designate will waive application of the license for a particular
article upon express direction by a community member.

•	Who Deposits: In the case of multiple authors from multiple
institutions, where a UNT community member has made substantial
intellectual contributions to the article, the UNT community member
will deposit a copy of the article. In the case of multiple UNT
authors, and where the lead author is from UNT, the lead author (or
designate) will deposit a copy of the article.