Re: Newspapers on sticks Charles L. King 13 Apr 2010 18:45 UTC

We are still using the sticks for our dailies.  But we also staple the paper
sections.  Apparently we have more of a dishonest population then others.
Despite our efforts we still have sections/pages removed from the papers.
Whenever there is a contest entry form in the paper, we have to X the form
with markers, or they get ripped out.

And I'm fighting a rear-guard action against those who don't understand why
they can't fill in the crosswords in the papers.

Charles L. King
Serials Librarian
Hawaii State Library
478 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96813-2994

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[] On Behalf Of Ken Siegert
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 2:40 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Newspapers on sticks


Has anyone stopped using newspaper sticks?  If so, has it been a problem?
We currently keep the following on sticks -- most recent daily edition of
the NYT, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Philadelphia Inquirer and our
local paper; most recent Sunday edition of the NYT, Washington Post,
Philadelphia Inquirer and our local paper.




Ken Siegert
Acquisitions Assistant
Electronic Resources & Periodicals / U.S. Documents Shadek-Fackenthal
Library Franklin & Marshall College P.O. Box 3003 Lancaster, PA  17604-3003

Phone -     (717) 291-4219
Fax -     (717) 291-4160