Reminder - Call for Discussion and User Groups publicist 13 Apr 2010 18:07 UTC

If you have an idea for an Informal Discussion
Group or User Group at
25th Annual Conference in Palm Springs, there is
still time to submit your proposal before the Friday, April
16th deadline!

Informal Discussion Groups serve to promote discussion
among NASIG attendees who have a shared interest in a topic,
idea, workflow, or problem. The emphasis of these sessions
is open discussion and the generation of new ideas. The
facilitator must be registered for the full conference.
Informal Discussion Groups will take place on Saturday, June
5, 3:30-4:30PM. Please submit topics or volunteer to
facilitate a >discussion group using
<>this form

User Group Sessions are dedicated to a specific product or
service. The purpose of these sessions is to share product
implementation or development experiences and ideas. User
Group attendees will have an opportunity to discuss topics
of common interest in a non-commercial setting. The
facilitator must be registered for the full conference. The
User Groups will meet on Sunday, June 6, 8:45-9:45AM.
Please submit suggestions for products/services or volunteer
to run a user group using
<>this form

All suggestions will be reviewed by a subcommittee of the
NASIG Program Planning Committee and notifications will be
made by the end of April.

Inquiries may be sent to the PPC co-chairs, Morag Boyd and
Anne Mitchell at:

We look forward to seeing you in Palm Springs!

Established in 1985, the North American Serials Interest
Group, Inc. is an independent organization that promotes
communication and sharing of ideas among all members of the
serials information chain – anyone working with or
concerned about serial publications.  For more information
about NASIG, please visit

Marilyn M. Carney
Publicist, NASIG, Inc.