Re: Newspapers on sticks Heath, Janet P 13 Apr 2010 13:04 UTC

My library quit doing that at least 10-12 years ago.  We found a plexaglass rack that mounted on the wall with a slot for around 15 newspapers.  Saves a lot of time not putting them on the sticks plus it's much easier for our clients to look at.

Janet P. Heath
Serials Coordinator
Laupus Health Sciences Library
East Carolina University
600 Moye Blvd
Greenville, NC  27834

Fax: 252-744-3369

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Ken Siegert
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 8:40 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Newspapers on sticks


Has anyone stopped using newspaper sticks?  If so, has it been a problem?  We currently keep the following on sticks -- most recent daily edition of the NYT, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Philadelphia Inquirer and our local paper; most recent Sunday edition of the NYT, Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer and our local paper.




Ken Siegert
Acquisitions Assistant
Electronic Resources & Periodicals / U.S. Documents
Shadek-Fackenthal Library
Franklin & Marshall College
P.O. Box 3003
Lancaster, PA  17604-3003

Phone -     (717) 291-4219
Fax -     (717) 291-4160