Good morning Michelle,
Have you tried Backmed?
Liz Breier
Jewish General Hospital
Health Sciences Library
3755 Cote Ste. Catherine Rd.,
Montreal, PQ H3T 1E2
514-340-8222 x5929
fax 514-340-7552
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michelle Makkos" <michelle.makkos@CPL.ORG>
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 8:48 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Bound Periodicals
> Hello everyone -
> Every year my library goes through our storage collection of bound
> periodicals and evaluates them to decide what to keep, get rid of, etc.
> Usually, we send out a listing of titles to be eliminated from the
> collection to various libraries, antiquaries, book collectors, etc. This
> year, we're looking to expand on that and possibly post the list on
> websites so we can reach a bigger audience of people/organizations that
> might be interested.
> Does anyone have suggestions of websites where we may be able to post the
> list online?
> Thanks in advance!
> Michelle
> **********************************
> Michelle Makkos
> Senior Subject Department Librarian
> General Reference Department
> Cleveland Public Library
> 325 Superior Avenue
> Cleveland, Ohio 44114
> (216)623-2904
> (216)623-2972 Fax