ABOUT THE COMMERCIAL DIGEST Since June 2008, the SERIALST moderators have been distributing a Commercial Digest once a week, usually on Friday afternoons, with messages containing informational content from commercial bodies (i.e., publishers, vendors, agents, etc.). The moderators review submitted messages for informational content that may interest our subscribers. We reserve the right to reject messages that are purely for advertising or product/service solicitation, with little or no informational content beyond the solicitation, as well as other content that are not within the scope and purpose guidelines of SERIALST: http://www.uvm.edu/~bmaclenn/serialst.html If you have thoughts or feedback about the Commercial digest, or other aspects of SERIALST, please let us hear from you. Contact information for the SERIALST moderators is at: http://www.uvm.edu/~bmaclenn/serialst.html#contacts This week's digest contains 2 messages: 1) Emerald announces COUNTER 3 compliance 2) Emerald "Journal of the Week" Features for April 2010 --------------- Message #1: Subject: Emerald announces COUNTER 3 compliance From: "Janet Fisher" <jfisher@pcgplus.com> Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 10:02:04 -0400 We thought this would be of interest to readers of SERIALST. Janet Fisher PCG Emerald announces COUNTER 3 compliance for journals and databases United Kingdom, March 2010 - Emerald Group Publishing Limited is now compliant with release 3 of the COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources) code of practice. As a publisher of more than 200 scholarly journals and an extensive range of online collections in business management, library and information science, social sciences and engineering, these improvements made to reports on searches and session usage translate into more accurate usage statistics. COUNTER is an international initiative serving librarians, publishers and intermediaries for recording and reporting usage statistics in a consistent and comparable manner. Release 3 contributes to further reliability of COUNTER usage statistics and includes SUSHI (Standardised Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative) to facilitate the collection and processing of large volume of data. John Peters, Joint Chief Executive at Emerald, comments: "We welcome the ability to provide COUNTER 3 reports to our customers. Not only does this significantly improve our level of service, but reliable and comprehensive usage data also plays an important role in demonstrating the quality and the impact of the research that we publish." As part of Emerald's ongoing improvement and enhancement of usage collection techniques, a slight amendment was also introduced to the way the number of searches are recorded when changing tabs in search results. For more information, contact the technical support team at support@emeraldinsight.com ENDS About Emerald www.emeraldinsight.com Established in 1967, Emerald Group Publishing is the world's leading publisher of management research. In total, Emerald publishes over 700 titles, comprising 200 journals, over 300 books and more than 200 book series as well as an extensive range of online products and services. Emerald is both COUNTER and TRANSFER compliant. The organization is a partner of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also works with Portico and the LOCKSS initiative for digital archive preservation. Emerald Management Plus is the largest, most comprehensive collection of peer reviewed management journals and online support for students, managers and researchers. With "Research you can use" as a publishing philosophy, the collection provides scholarly research that is both rigorous and relevant, with practical implications for professionals outside the academic world. For busy managers in corporate, federal and public organizations, Emerald Management First is an award-winning online knowledge and information resource. Contact Arnaud Pellé Corporate Communications Manager Emerald Group Publishing Limited Phone: +44 (0) 1274 777700 E-mail: apelle@emeraldinsight.com --------------- Message #2: Subject: Emerald "Journal of the Week" Features for April 2010 From: "Janet Fisher" <jfisher@pcgplus.com> Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 10:52:06 -0400 Emerald Group Publishing "Journal of the Week" Feature Emerald offers free access to two journals in its collection every week. Below is the schedule for April: April 5: Critical Perspectives on International Business International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis April 12: Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society International Journal of Commerce and Management April 19: International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship Industrial and Commercial Training April 26: On the Horizon Social Responsibility Journal To access these, go to the Emerald home page at: www.emeraldinsight.com Click on the green banner in the middle of the screen saying "Free Journals from Emerald". From this page you can click through to sample the journals available that week. Enjoy! Arnaud Pellé Corporate Communications Manager Emerald Group Publishing Limited Telephone: +44 (0) 1274 777700 E-mail: apelle@emeraldinsight.com