We have it both ways. We get marc records for the JSTOR titles for the
online catalog, but we also have the database listed on our website. My
personal feeling is that a patron is not always looking for a specific
title, so it helps to have a link to the database itself to look for
articles on a subject. However, someone else may be looking for an
article in a specific journal. Without some kind of access to it by
journal title, they may not be aware it is in JSTOR. Just my $.02.
Barbara M. Pope, MALS
Periodicals/Reference Librarian
Axe Library
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg KS 66762
> Do you include JSTOR titles in your library catalog? There is a debate at
> our library regarding this practice. On one side, we own JSTOR titles so
> they should be in the catalog. The other side of the debate is that JSTOR
> titles are accessible through our JSTOR subscription, which functions more
> as a database, so they need not be in the catalog. What has your library
> decided on this issue?
> Lori B. Snyder
> Resource Management Librarian - Acquisitions
> Guillermin Library/ILRC
> Liberty University
> (434) 582-2815
> lbsnyder@liberty.edu