Serials Solutions vs. SFX Mark Hemhauser 29 Mar 2010 15:25 UTC

We use SFX from Ex Libris as our link resolver. I am wondering how
Serials Solutions handles the JSTOR packages. SFX shows the beginning
and ending years--1911-2006, for example. Every year, unknown when, Ex
Libris will update the latest year so the threshold would read
1911-2007. It's the end of March and any title I check seems to have the
newly added year at JSTOR, but SFX is behind. How much more current is
Serials Solutions with the JSTOR collections?


Mark Hemhauser
Coordinator, Continuing and Electronic Resources
McKeldin Library
University of Maryland
College Park, MD   20742

301-405-9309 (voice)
301-314-1200 (fax)