19th North Carolina Serials Conference: Mark Your Calendar Rebecca Kemp 03 Mar 2010 18:19 UTC

*This message is cross-posted.*

The 19th North Carolina Serials Conference, hosted by North Carolina
Central University's School of Library and Information Sciences, will be
held April 15, 2010 at the William and Ida Friday Continuing Education
Center in Chapel Hill, NC.

The 2010 conference theme is “New Tricks for Old Dogs: Serials Control
and Access.”

For details, see http://nccuslis.org/conted/conted.php.

Please mark your calendars now, and plan to attend!


Rebecca Kemp
E-Resources Acquisitions Librarian
CB#3938 Davis Library
UNC-Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890
ph: 919-962-0162
fax: 919-962-4450