Re: E-journals Renewals and Activation Patricia Thompson 22 Feb 2010 15:43 UTC

"What is supposed to happen next?"

In my experience, it varies with each publisher. My subscription
agent does not make sure I have access-- it's up to me. They will
assist with fixing it if I discover that it doesn't work, but I have
to check it. And I don't have time to check everything, so I am sure
that some of them fall through the cracks. I am always discovering
problems when I am checking for something else!

I sign up for new issue alerts and toc's for some titles on most of
the platforms, and sometimes I find out that way about something not working.

But I am interested in how others handle this too.

Pat Thompson

Patricia R. Thompson
Assistant University Librarian for Resource Management Services
duPont Library
University of the South
Sewanee, TN 37383

At 09:13 AM 2/22/2010, you wrote:
>Harrisburg Area Community College has just begun subscribing to
>e-journals (online only) via our subscription agent. This year we
>renewed a title, but lost access to the e-journal (platform is
>Ingenta, not a publisher's platform). It took some time to establish
>that we had renewed and to regain access.
>I wonder how others handle these situations. When you renew with
>your subscription agent what is supposed to happen next? Do you
>check with the publisher to make sure the renewal passed to the
>platform provider?
>I would be interested in reading any in-house processes used to
>verify access and whom/how you contact to reestablish access.
>Judith M. Nagata
>Serials/Electronic Resources Librarian
>Harrisburg Area Community College
>Library Central Services
>One HACC Dr.
>Harrisburg, PA 17110
>Ph: 717-780-2535
>Fax: 717-780-2462