Re: Publisher cancellation policies Marilyn Creamer 17 Feb 2010 14:56 UTC

More and more publishers are providing post-cancellation access rights
to paid content. We also did not renew many titles for 2010 and I'm
looking over licenses to see which publishers we can count on for this.



Marilyn Creamer
Serials Specialist / Haverford College Library
370 Lancaster Ave / Haverford PA 19041-1392 USA
(610) 896-1168 / fax (610) 896-1102

Joanne Romano wrote:
> I am wondering how many librarians have dealt with this scenario; we
> were not able to renew several of our long-standing journal
> subscriptions for 2010. Most were journals we had subscribed for the
> last 10 years.
> This is nothing new, but so far I’ve had one publisher cut off our
> online access completely because we no longer have a current
> subscription, and another publisher cut off access mid-year in 2009
> for the same reason. I’m wondering how many others will do the same.
> It’s irritating to have paid for content and then not be allowed to
> retain the access to years paid because you can’t keep up with the
> current subscription—There is nothing that can be done, of course;
> publishers can enforce any policy they wish. However, I am wondering
> how many other librarians have had to deal with this practice, and,
> have you had any success changing a publisher’s mind about cutting off
> access?
> Best,
> Joanne
> Joanne V. Romano, MLS
> Licensing and Serials Librarian
> Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library
> 1133 John Freeman Blvd.
> Houston, TX 77030
> 713-799-7144
> fx: 713-799-7180
> <>