OCLC Serial MARC Records Service???!!!! was re:OCLC's E-Serials Holdings Chris Blackman 04 Feb 2010 13:58 UTC

Could you please clarify?  Does this mean that OCLC is managing serials
holdings on a month to month basis, or are they just sending you records
that you identify at prearranged intervals?


*Christine Blackman*
Catalog Librarian
Williams College Libraries <http://library.williams.edu/>

New Library: Read all about it! <http://library.williams.edu/newlibrary>

Connie Foster wrote:
> We have just put through a request for MARC records, which is an
> annual cost, so I believe this service is now available.
> We use TDNet and our initial beta loads were great, so now we want to
> pick up with the regular MARC record loads so as not to lose ground on
> this effort.
> Connei Foster