Re: Wiley journal renewal Wendy Helmstetter 16 Dec 2009 23:28 UTC

   Has anyone had any problems with invoicing when ordering Wiley's electronic reference books, such as the online versions of Kirk Othmer and other similar titles?

Wendy Helmstetter
Director, Resources and Services
Evans Library
Florida Institute of Technology

From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [] On Behalf Of Maria Michelle Sitko [sitko@MARYU.MARYWOOD.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Wiley journal renewal

We had a similar experience last year trying to contact folks and were told it was due to the merger and rep changes.  Since we opted to not deal with Wiley "directly" last year for a change, we finally left it in Ebsco's hands and they got it resolved after 3-4 months of chasing them down.  I feel for them but there needs to be increased accountability.

Michelle Sitko
Associate Professor, Coordinator of Collection Management/Head, Serials Department
Marywood University
Scranton, PA 18509

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Teresa Saunders <<>> wrote:
Maybe this year it's due to the Baker&Taylor - Blackwell merger?

Teresa C. Saunders
Library Technician
Ruth A. Haas Library
Western Connecticut State University
181 White Street
Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 837-9106<>
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [<>] On Behalf Of Jessica Brangiel [Jessica.brangiel@JEFFERSON.EDU<mailto:Jessica.brangiel@JEFFERSON.EDU>]
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 2:11 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Wiley journal renewal

**Apologies for duplicate messages**

We have had a very difficult renewal experience with Wiley this year.  We began discussions with them in late September and have been in communication with 4 different people, at different management levels in the company, but we still don’t have an invoice.  They don’t return phone calls or respond to emails; their unresponsiveness and poor customer service is really unacceptable.  What’s even more frustrating is they are quick to turn off access early in the new year, even though they are responsible for any delay in billing and payment.  We had similar problems last year with our renewal but were told they were due to the Wiley-Blackwell merger.  So what’s the problem for 2010?  Are others experiencing the same issues; is this a company wide problem?
Thank you in advance.

Jessica Brangiel
Electronic Resources Librarian
Manager, Interlibrary Loan
Thomas Jefferson University
Scott Memorial Library
1020 Walnut Street, Room 201
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-503-5203 (p)

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”
                                                      --Marcel Proust

****** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** ***
Michelle Sitko
Associate Professor
Coordinator of Collection Management Services/Head, Serials Department
Learning Resources Center
Marywood University
2300 Adams Avenue
Scranton, PA 18509-1598
Voice: (570) 340-6034
Fax: (570) 961-4769
Personal Website: